剑鱼标讯 > 招标项目 > 东方物探海洋声学定位系统及应答器租赁框架招标招标公告


项目名称 省份
业主单位 业主类型
总投资 建设年限
审批机关 审批事项
审批代码 批准文号
审批时间 审批结果

东方物探 海洋声学定位系统及应答器租赁框架招标招标公告
China Petroleum Materials Company Limited for and on behalf of the Tenderee invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the lease of the following goods:
----沙特海洋节点采集项目,工区位于阿拉伯湾,沙特西南,水深5-50米,预计工期30个月。按照合同要求使用USBL,计 划租赁USBL3套、LBL 4套及声学应答器3700个。
---- Saudi Ocean Node acquisition project. The project area is in the Arabian Gulf, southwest of Saudi Arabia, with water depth of 5-50 meters. The construction period is expected to last 30 months. USBL will be used in accordance with the contract requirements. It plans to lease 3 sets of USBL, 4 sets of LBL and 3700 acoustic transponders.
----卡塔尔节点高分辨采集项目(3D),工区位置位于卡塔尔,预计投入USBL1套、LBL 2套及声学应答器1800个,预计施工 期15个月。
---- Node high-resolution acquisition Project (3D)in Qatar, located in Qatar, is expected to put into use 1 set of USBL, 2 sets of LBL and 1,800 acoustic transponders, with a construction period of 15 months.
----里海BP 4D项目,BP里海项目位于阿塞拜疆海域,水深100-650米,每年施工期为3月至12月,每年施工期9个月,共 计5年。需要工作水深1000米的声学定位系统:USBL 2套、LBL 2套及声学应答器2200个 .声学释放器两套主机含RT6: 70个。
---- BP 4D Project in the Caspian Sea, BP Caspian Sea project is located in the waters of Azerbaijan, the water depth is 100-650 meters. The construction period is from March to December, and the construction period is 9 months each year, for a total of 5 years. Acoustic positioning system with working water depth of 1000 meters: USBL 2 sets, LBL 2 sets and acoustic transponder 2200 sets. Acoustic Release two sets of host including RT6:70 PCS.
----BP印尼贝劳湾三维采集项目,该项目分为陆地、过渡带和海上OBN+拖缆。深水OBN预计投入应答器1000个,作业深 度0-1000米。需要工作水深1000米的声学定位系统:USBL 2套、LBL 2套及声学应答器2200个 .声学释放器两套主机含RT6:70个。
----BP Three-dimensional acquisition project in Belau Bay, Indonesia. The project is divided into land, transition zone and offshore OBN+ streamers. The deepwater OBN is expected to deploy 1,000 transponders at a depth of 0-1000 m. Acoustic positioning system with working water depth of 1000 meters: USBL 2 sets, LBL 2 sets and acoustic transponder 2200 sets. Acoustic Release two sets of host including RT6:70 PCS.
----Total尼日利亚ROV OBN属于深海四维节点项目,工区位于尼日利亚海域,水深1000-1750米。预计工期12个月。需要 工作水深3000米的声学定位系统:USBL 2套、LBL 2套及声学应答器2000个 .声学释放器两套主机含释放应答器 40个。
----Total Nigeria ROV OBN is a subsea four-dimensional node project located in the waters of Nigeria in water depths of 1,000-1,750 m. The construction period is expected to be 12 months. Acoustic positioning system with working water depth of 3000 meters: 2 sets of USBL, 2 sets of LBL and 2000 sets of acoustic transponder. Acoustic release two sets of host including 40 release transponders.
----雪佛龙尼日利亚Agbami区块海上四维OBN采集项目:项目属于深海四维节点项目,工区位于尼日利亚海域,工区水 深1200-1800m。预计工期3个月,需要工作水深3000米的声学定位系统:USBL 2套、声学应答器2000个 .声学释放器两套主机 含释放应答器40个、
---- Chevron Nigeria Agbami Block Offshore 4D OBN Acquisition project: The subsea 4D node project is located in Nigerian waters in water depths of 1200-1800m.The construction period is expected to be 3 months, the acoustic positioning system needs to work at a depth of 3,000 meters: 2 sets of USBL and 2000 acoustic transponders. Acoustic release two sets of host including 40 release transponders,
----文莱OBN项目,预计工期12个月。需要工作水深500米的声学定位系统:USBL 2套、LBL 2套及声学应答器3700个 .声 学释放器两套主机含释放应答器40个。
---- OBN Project in Brunei, expected to be completed in 12 months. Acoustic positioning system requiring working water depth of 500 meters: 2 sets of USBL, 2 sets of LBL and 3700 acoustic transponders. Acoustic release two sets of host including 40 release transponders.
服务期限:自合同签订之日起至 2025年12月31 日.
Term of Service: from the date of signing this Contract to December 31, 2025.
项目内容:涉及全球多个国家的声学定位系统及应答器租赁服务,根据具体项目实施需求确定租赁主体和服务内容,主要 包括USBL、LBL、配套声学应答器以及配套的Saturn 10电罗经和MRU5+姿态仪。
Project content: It involves leasing services of acoustic positioning system and transponder in many countries around the world. According to the specific project implementation needs, the leasing subject and
service content are determined, mainly including USBL, LBL, supporting acoustic transponder and supporting Saturn 10 gyrocompass and MRU5+ attitude instrument.
租赁方式: þ干租 □湿租
Leasing method: þdry leasing □wet leasing
Division of tender section and bidding scope
Division of bid packages: This project is divided into 3 bid packages.
标包1:工作水深 500米以下,兼容目前海洋物探分公司现有资源及设备配置型号为:TZT 7815/8365(如非原厂产品需要 特别注明),限定招标设备为3套 超短基线、6套长基线及5000个TZT 7815/8365声学应答器(含配套编码器)及3套姿态仪为 一个标包。
Package 1: Working water depth below 500 meters, compatible with the current resources and equipment configuration of the Marine Geophysical Exploration Branch Company Model: TZT 7815/8365, the limited bidding equipment is 3 sets USBL, 6 sets LBL, 5000 TZT 7815/8365 acoustic transponders (including supporting encoder) and 3 sets ARHS.
标包2:工作水深1000米, 2套1000米级别USBL定位系统及配套2000个声学应答器(含配套编码器)2套姿态仪。
Package 2: Working water depth of 1000m, 2 sets of 1000m level USBL positioning system and supporting 2000 acoustic transponders (including supporting encoder) and 2 sets ARHS.
标包3:工作水深3000米,计划2套3000米级别USBL和LBL一体定位系统及配套500个声学应答器(含配套编码器)以及姿态 仪。
Package 3: The working water depth is 3,000 meters. It plans to have 2 sets of 3,000-meter USBL and LBL integrated positioning systems and 500 acoustic transponders (including supporting encoders) and 2 sets ARHS.
序 号/Serial number名称/name主要参数 Main parameter数量 Qty最高限价(美元/套/日)Leasing price (USD/set/day)租期备 注/Note
1超短基 线/USBL通讯距离500m,覆盖角 度180°,精度0.2%斜 距、频率33- 50kHz/Communication distance 500m, covering Angle 180°, accuracy 0.2% slant, frequency 33-50kHz3400预计12 个月Miniranger2含许 可/Miniranger2, Including license
2长基线/LBL通讯距 离500m/Communication distance 500m6800预计12 个月含许可/Including license
3Transponder工作水深0- 500m/Working water depth 0-500 meters50002.7预计12 个月含许可/Including license

3姿态仪/ARHSSaturn 10 or Mru5+2210/160预计12 个月含许可/Including license

序 号/Serial number名称/name主要参数 Main parameter数量 Qty最高限价 (美元/套/日)Leasing price (USD/set/day)租期备 注/Note
1超短基 线/USBL通讯距离1000m,覆盖 角度180°,精 度0.2%斜距、频率20-34kHz/Communication distance 1000m, covering Angle 180°, accuracy 0.2% slant, frequency 20-34kHz2500预计12 个月GyroUSBL,含许 可/GyroUSBL,Including license
2Transponder工作水深0- 1000m/Working water depth 0-1000 meters20004.0预计12 个月含许可/Including license
3姿态仪/ARHSSaturn 10 or Mru5+2210/160预计12 个月含许可/Including license

序 号/Serial number名称/name主要参数 Main parameter数量 Qty最高限价 (美元/套/日)Leasing price (USD/set/day)租期备 注/Note
1超短长基线合 一/SSBL通讯距离3000米以 上,覆盖角度不低 于300度。精度0.2% / The communication distance is more than 3000 meters, and the coverage Angle is not less than 300 degrees.Accuracy 0.2%31200预计12 个月含许可/Including license
2Transponder工作水深0- 3000m/Working water depth 0-3000 meters5005.0预计12 个月含许可/Including license
3姿态仪/ARHSSaturn 10 or Mru5+2210/160预计12 个月含许可/Including license

Note: ①The maximum price is tax exclusive;
②Sign a framework agreement with the winning bidder after the bidding, and sign a specific lease contract
with the winning bidder according to the specific acquisition project by the affiliated company of BGP
INC.,CNPC Company.
③The upper limit of the tender offer is the bidding control price, and there is no lower limit of the
tender offer, higher than the bidding control price is the rejected bid;
④Transportation expenses shall be borne by the tenderee.
Table 1 Minimum bidding qty.
序号 Item设备名称 Name标包 Packet 1标包2 Packet 2标包3 Packet 3
最低数量 Minimum qty最低数量 Minimum qty最低数量 Minimum qty
1应答器 Transponder*1000*500*300
2长基线 LBL*11
3超短基线/超短长基线合 一 USBL/USBL&LBL*1*1*1
4姿态仪ARHS Saturn 10 or MRU5+*1*1*1

Bidders must meet the minimum bidding quantity for the package, otherwise it will not be considered as a valid
bid. There is no limit on the bidding quantity. The bidder will determine the leasing quantity of items 2, 3,
and 4 in the table based on the actual demand and the quantity of item 1 responders that the bidder can
provide for lease when sign the master agreement.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information and inspect the bidding documents at the office
of China Petroleum Materials Company Limited.
3.本招标文件每标包售价为200 200元人民币(只接受人民币)元人民币(只接受人民币),售后不退,未购买招标文件的投标人不得参与本项目投标。有兴
趣的合格投标人可从2023 2023年 年11 11月 月20 20日至 日至11 11月 月27 27日 日,每天(节假日除外)上午9:00 至11:00, 下午1:30至4:00(北京时间)线
All those who are willing to participate in the bids are kindly requested to contact China Petroleum
Materials Company Limited to obtain bidding documents between 9:00-11:00a.m and 1:30-4:00p.m (Beijing time)
at the following address from2023-11-2023-11-20 20 to to 2023-11- 2023-11-27 27(except on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays), upon non-
refundable payment of RMB Yuan 200 RMB Yuan 200 for each complete set of bidding documents.
4.所有投标书应于2023 2023年 年12 12月 月88日北京时间 日北京时间9:00 9:00时 时之前递交到中国石油物资有限公司。
Bids must be delivered to China Petroleum Materials Company Limited before 9:00 a.m of 2023-12-8 9:00 a.m of 2023-12-8(Beijing
5.兹定于2023 2023年 年12 12月 月88日 日9:00 9:00时 时(北京时间),在中国石油物资有限公司公开开标。本项目不组织投标人参加开标仪式,请投标
Bids will be opened publicly in the presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend bid opening
at 9:00 am of 2023-12-8 9:00 am of 2023-12-8(Beijing time), in China Petroleum Materials Company Limited.
Detailed address:No. 5 GulouwaiDajie, Xicheng District, Beijing
邮编:100029 Post Code:100029
售卖联系人:梅博文 梁爽 电话TEL No.: 86-10-62065938/5511/5512
电子信箱E-mail: meibowen@cnpc.com.cn ,


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