剑鱼标讯 > 变更项目 > 利用亚洲开发银行贷款广西环境可持续乡村发展示范项目CS-PM-1项目实施支持咨询服务意向书征询函更正公告


项目名称 省份
业主单位 业主类型
总投资 建设年限
审批机关 审批事项
审批代码 批准文号
审批时间 审批结果

利用亚洲开发银行贷款广西环境可持续乡村发展示范项目 CS-PM-1 项目实施支 持咨询服务意向书征询函更正公告
发布日期:2024-06-15(亚行贷款编号:4373-PRC 合同编号:CS-PM-1 招标编号:0773-24GNOF4071)
招标 文件 条款 号原内容更正后内容
任务 大纲 TOR,四 咨 询服 务期 限本项目咨询服务期限自合同生效之日起 至 2030 年 12 月 31 日,具体以本项目实 际完工日期为准。本项目咨询服务期限自合同生效之日起 至 2030 年 6 月 30 日,具体以本项目实 际完工日期为准。

二、 监督部门
三、 联系方式
地 址:广西壮族自治区南宁市青秀区七星路 135 号 联 系 人:登录即可免费查看
话:0771-2182980 电
地 址: 北京市海淀区西三环北路 21 号久凌大厦 15 层 联 系 人: 登录即可免费查看
电 话: 登录即可免费查看

电子邮件: wangd@tenderingcctc.com
日期:2024 年 6 月
一、 项目背景........................................................................................................................1(一)概述......................................................................................................................1(二)产出......................................................................................................................1 二、 咨询服务目的................................................................................................................ 1 三、咨询服务范围及内容.......................................................................................................1(一) 服务范围.............................................................................................................1(二) 服务内容及要求..................................................................................................1 1、项目管理............................................................................................................ 2 2、项目进度和投资进度..........................................................................................2 3、财务管理与支付................................................................................................. 2(4)协助项目的审计工作,协助项目办向亚洲开发银行提交相关的审计报告;..2 4、采购管理............................................................................................................ 2 5、合同管理............................................................................................................ 2 6、绩效监测与报告................................................................................................. 3 7、 保障管理与监测............................................................................................... 3 8、中期评估与完工评价..........................................................................................3 9、能力发展和培训................................................................................................. 3 10、翻译..................................................................................................................3 11、项目办交办的与项目相关的其他工作.............................................................. 3 四、咨询服务期限..................................................................................................................3 五、实施安排......................................................................................................................... 3 六、资格要求和具体任务.......................................................................................................4(一)咨询公司资格要求................................................................................................4(二)关键专家资格要求 5
(三)非关键专家资格要求 11
七、报告要求....................................................................................................................... 12(一)可交付成果.........................................................................................................12(二)报告基本要求.....................................................................................................12 八、咨询公司的其它要求.....................................................................................................12 九、委托方提供的协作.........................................................................................................13
广西壮族自治区是中国欠发达省份之一,人均国内生产总值在全国 31 个省份中排名靠 后。2023 年年末全区常住人口 5027 万人农村人口基数大,占总人口的 43.21%1,城乡居民 年人均收入差异较大。广西的总面积为 23.76 万平方公里,其中耕地面积占 18.46%,全年 气候温和,适合农业生产。广西的地理优势也为其农产品进入附近市场提供了巨大的潜力。
为推动广西农业农村绿色高质量发展,提高广西农业农村的综合实力,促进广西农村环 境可持续发展,中国政府已要求亚洲开发银行为广西环境可持续乡村发展示范项目提供贷款 和技术援助,并已经向亚洲开发银行从普通资本来源申请贷款人民币 10.99275 亿元来建设 本项目,贷款期限为 20 年,包括 6 年的宽限期。项目总投资为人民币 30.75558 亿元,通过 推广创新实践,支持农村绿色经济发展,提升农村对气候适应能力,转变乡村发展模式。
项目执行机构为广西壮族自治区人民政府,由广西农业农村厅作为执行代表。根据广西 农业农村厅授权,广西农业外资项目管理中心作为项目管理办公室,为项目产出一的实施单 位。广西北部湾银行为选定的金融中介机构,为产出二的实施单位。
项目包括“项目贷款”(产出一)和“金融中介贷款”(产出二)两部分。金融中介贷款已经 选聘了一家金融中介机构,即广西北部湾银行。该银行将亚洲开发银行贷款资金通过其渠道 转贷给合格的子项目的子借款人。
产出一:加强环境可持续乡村发展的机构能力。本产出包括:(1)制定自治区级低碳 和绿色农业领域发展路线图和行动计划,以增强气候韧性和环境可持续的乡村发展;(2)促进低碳和附加值农业实践的新技术和应用;(3)在广西农业农村厅建立数字化管理信息 系统平台,以有效支持 ESG 绩效监测、评估、验证和报告;(4)在中国和其他亚洲开发银 行发展中成员国孵化创新和传播知识解决方案;(5)提高广西各级政府机构、农业综合企 业、从业人员和金融机构对可持续和气候适应性农业实践的能力和认识;(6)支持项目管 理和实施,包括促进机构间协调与合作。
产出二:建立和运行农村环境、社会和治理的融资机制。在本产出中,项目将通过亚洲 开发银行“金融中介贷款”模式(FIL),建立和实施农村 ESG 融资机制,以改善中小企业在 可持续和增值农业生产、加工和价值链发展方面的融资渠道。FIL 模式将使亚洲开发银行和 政府能够与当地商业银行建立伙伴关系,以便拓宽中小企业可持续农业投资的融资渠道。此 外,亚洲开发银行贷款将撬动参与的国内商业银行提供联合融资,以促进对可持续农业产业 的投资,并以市场为导向的方式加快环境可持续乡村发展。
咨询服务的目标是选聘一家在相关领域有良好资信和业绩的公司,为项目实施机构在项 目管理、采购管理、合同管理、移民安置、社会和性别发展、环境管理和财务管理等方面提 供咨询服务。咨询公司提供的咨询服务,应确保项目按照亚洲开发银行相关政策、指南和程 序实施,提高项目实施各个阶段的工作质量和效率,从而实现项目总体目标。
服务对象范围为项目实施机构,包括但不限于:实施单位(项目办、金融中介)、子 项目实施业主以及与项目相关的服务商、承包商、咨询机构。提供项目管理支持服务,范围 包括但不限于:项目管理;采购、支付和合同管理;财务管理;项目绩效监测和报告;保障 管理和监测;项目考察及培训、审查及评估;技术尽职调查、ESG 评估和监测;法律咨询;翻译等项目其他相关工作。
1 数据来源于 2023 年广西壮族自治区国民经济和社会发展统计公报 http://tjj.gxzf.gov.cn/tjsj/tjgb/qqgb/t18207923.shtml
(1)建立项目实施管理体系和“项目绩效管理系统”,包括:项目实际和融资进度;能 力建设的进展和成果;实施 ESMS, “环境管理计划”、“性别行动计划”、“少数民族发展计划”和“社会发展行动计划”的情况;遵守贷款契约(政策、财务、经济、领域及其他)的情况;(2)按照项目实施方案制定详细的实施总体计划和年度工作计划;
(4)制定项目报告系统,细化项目管理、项目推进及项目监测与评估的具体任务,并 负责协调、审查和监督其实施;
(5)协助项目实施单位建立和落实 ESMS 系统,帮助金融中介机构将 ESMS 与现有业 务流程整合,以便对合格子项目和合格子借款人进行筛选、分类和管理;
(6)协助实施单位根据 ESG、ESMS 以及亚洲开发银行相关政策筛选合格子项目,落 实 ESG 和 ESMS 的实施;
(7)协助金融中介机构对子贷款申请开展技术尽职调查、ESG 评估和监测;
(8)审核、测试和跟踪项目信息系统(MIS)的使用和维护,并根据项目实施的需要,随时提出相关的维护或修改意见,保障 MIS 系统的正常有效运转;
(9)配合亚洲开发银行考察团的项目检查、绩效评估等工作,协助项目实施机构处理 亚洲开发银行考察团提及的所有问题;
(10)协助项目办和相关部门开展公众参与和咨询、公众环境保护意识、教育和知识共 享活动以及培训;
(1)制定项目工程、咨询、资金年度、半年度实施计划进度表,对实施计划与实际进 度进行对比,确保项目整体实施进度与计划保持一致;
(3)根据实际进度和项目目标进度,定期更新、调整项目工程、咨询实施进度计划和 资金使用计划;
(4)按照亚洲开发银行可接受的格式编制项目半年进度报告、项目年度综合报告,包 括项目各产出项下的具体完成情况、实施过程中的问题和采取的措施、更新的采购计划及下
(4)协助项目的审计工作,协助项目办向亚洲开发银行提交相关的审计报告;(5)提供财务管理、项目核算、提款申请、债务核算、账户清算等方面的培训和相关 能力建设。
(2)制定和建立 “项目绩效管理系统”(PPMS)的监测体系,收集数据并制定监测方 法;
(6)向相关项目管理人员提供关于亚洲开发银行项目绩效管理体系、监测政策和程序 的培训和能力建设。
(1)落实 ESMS, “环境管理计划”、“移民安置计划”、“性别行动计划”、“少数民族发 展计划”、“社会发展行动计划”等文件的完善、修订和更新。按照“环境社会管理系统”ESMS 的要求,编制半年度 ESMS 监测报告;
(3)协助、协调和审查相关咨询机构编制的环境、社会、少数民族、性别等方面的外 部监测报告。
(1)项目中期实施情况。根据项目实施情况,编制项目中期调整报告,并对必要的项 目调整提出建议,以满足项目发展目标,提高利用亚洲开发银行贷款资金的使用效率;(2)项目完工实施情况。在项目竣工前,根据亚洲开发银行指南编制项目完工报告,项目完工报告应包括项目总体实施和竣工状况,评价项目筹备和实施的效果与效能,为实现
(2)向相关项目管理人员,提供关于亚洲开发银行项目开发、实施政策和程序的培训;(3)协助项目办开展能力提升部分的实施,根据经项目办审核同意的培训和能力发展 计划,举办关于亚洲开发银行相关政策、指南及项目实施各阶段项目管理知识培训;
(4)协调项目办组织开展与项目实施相关的研习会、研讨会、专题论坛和会议,宣传 和分析知识和项目成果。
本项目咨询服务期限自合同生效之日起至 2030 年 6 月 30 日,具体以本项目实际完工日 期为准。
项目实施阶段的咨询服务将由选聘的咨询公司组建专家团队提供。总共需要 24 个人月 的国际咨询服务和 314 个人月的国内咨询服务。咨询公司还可以根据非关键专家对项目的理 解,推荐非关键专家,以最大限度地促进项目实施。咨询服务费用使用亚洲开发银行贷款资
金支付,咨询公司由项目办根据《亚洲开发银行采购政策货物、工程、非咨询咨询服务与咨 询服务》(2017 年,不时修订)进行选聘。2咨询公司通过以下方式选聘:(1)使用完整的 技术建议书;(2)“基于质量和成本选择“(QCBS),采用技术报价比例为 90:10。服务地 点在广西,咨询服务关键专家需求见表 1。
2 通过以下链接可以下载“项目实施手册”电子版文件,了解选聘和与咨询公司签署合同的方法和行动清单:http://www.adb.org/documents/handbooks/project-implementation/
表 1: 主要专家需求和投入
2ESG 专家/金融专家12
7ESG 专家/金融专家36

1、有良好的资信和业绩,在过去 10 年中最好有 5 个亚洲开发银行、世界银行或其他国 际金融组织(IFI)贷款项目的实施经验。
2、最好拥有亚洲开发银行、世界银行或其他国际金融组织贷款项目实施咨询服务的经 验。有农村绿色农业发展和环境改善项目以及亚洲开发银行金融中介转贷(FIL)项目实施 咨询服务的经验的优先。
3、最好熟悉亚洲开发银行贷款项目的程序和要求,拥有以下包括但不限于亚洲开发银 行贷款项目管理和报告、采购、支付、绿色金融、ESG 应用、环境和社会保障、财务管理、
农业企业发展与管理等方面的知识和专家团队的储备,能及时提供咨询服务,在广西设有机 构或拥有广西咨询服务项目经验优先。
国际和国内专家最好具有:(1)相关学位和资格;(2)相关专业领域丰富的技术经验 和足够的实践经验;(3)中国咨询项目的经验。
A 国际专家
1、项目管理专家(组长) (国际专家,12 人月)
项目管理专家最好拥有农业工程或环境工程的研究生及以上学历,具有副高及以上职称 或相应执业资格最好年满 5 年,并在与环境可持续农业和乡村发展相关的项目管理方面最好 拥有超过 20 年的工作经验。近年承担过亚洲开发银行贷款项目的咨询服务的项目组长、并 熟悉亚洲开发银行指南和程序的重点考虑。该专家将全面负责协助项目办和金融中介机构有 效、及时地实施项目。组长负责但不限于以下主要任务:
作为团队组长组织协调所有项目管理所支持的咨询活动;(2) 提出并与项目办协商,最终确定项目实施、监测和评估中项目管理支持的总体 方法;
(3) 组织专家团队编制完成本任务大纲目录六“报告要求”中可交付成果报告,并对报 告质量负责;
领导专家团队监控指导整个项目实施,包括项目产出和成果的完成情况,关键 (5)
法律契约、采购、保障措施、ESMS 和 ESG 的遵守情况,以识别实施过程中存在的主要问 题,为存在的问题提供解决方案;
(6) 建立有效机制,确保实施咨询公司与项目办聘请的其他咨询专家之间的顺利合 作;
(7) 编制定期监测报告,包括 ESG 评估和监测;
(8) 为广西金融中介机构提供评价和评估的技术支持;
(9) 承担项目办、广西金融中介机构和咨询公司共同商定的任何必要工作。
2、ESG 专家/金融专家(国际专家,12 人月)
ESG 专家/金融专家最好拥有环境或社会科学、经济学、金融学、工程或相关领域的研 究生及以上学历,具有副高及以上职称或相应执业资格最好年满 5 年,最好拥有 15 年的金 融工作经验。精通英语,中文口语流利优先;具有国际金融组织(如亚洲开发银行、世界银 行等)贷款项目的经验,特别是具有为国际金融组织提供金融服务经验的优先;具有绿色金 融、ESG 投资、国际 ESG 框架和评估以及可持续金融领域、金融转贷项目经验的专家优先;具有与中国政府合作背景以及政府间合作经验的优先。专家应承担但不限于以下主要任务:(1)
识别、审查和总结与本项目相关的国际最佳实践和项目,以及适用于国内的环 境、社会和治理(ESG)方面的信息和指标的政策;
(2) 向项目办提供技术援助,以评估、监督和金融中介机构和子借款人的 ESG 实施 情况;
(3) 支持项目办和金融中介机构监督和检查管理信息系统(MIS)的设计、开发和 运行,为相关人员提供运行培训;
(4) 审查和修改拟提交给亚洲开发银行的 ESG 合并报告,确保其质量;
(5) 参加相关会议、研讨会以及亚洲开发银行的考察团评估;
(6) 根据本项目的发现和经验教训,开发 ESG 融合的相关知识产品供亚洲开发银行 出版,以便在其他发展中的成员国分享;
(7) 承担组长和项目办安排的任何必要工作。
B 国内专家
1、项目与采购管理专家(副组长)(国内专家、48 人月)
项目管理和采购、合同管理专家兼任咨询服务副组长,协助组长工作,具体负责项目管 理和采购管理的咨询服务工作。专家最好具有管理、工程或相关领域的研究生及以上学历,具有副高及以上职称或相应执业资格最好年满 5 年,最好拥有 15 年的相关专业工作经验,有在广西实施过国际金融组织贷款项目,特别是有亚洲开发银行和世界银行项目管理经验的 优先。专家应完全熟悉亚洲开发银行的政策、程序、保障措施和采购管理,熟悉亚洲开发银 行贷款金融中介贷款转贷流程,具有良好的中英文书写和口语表达能力。专家应承担但不限 于以下主要任务:
在组长的指导下管理团队的日常运营;(2) 针对项目实施机构需要开展的全部项目活动,制定全面的项目实施计划和程序 并予以指导和监测;
(3) 制定向亚洲开发银行报告项目进度的程序和格式,包括采购计划、提款报账、贷款支付,以及项目法律文件中所包含的行动计划和具体贷款承诺的实施情况;向项目实施 机构相关人员提供上述要求的相关培训;
(4) 组织建立项目实施的项目管理体系和 “项目绩效管理系统”;
(5) 根据亚洲开发银行对项目的要求,编制项目进度报告、中期调整报告、季度和 年度报告、项目完工报告初稿等;
(6) 就确保遵守亚洲开发银行保障政策和项目协议条款所需的行动提出建议;(7)
审核支付进度、提款申请、采购进度、合同执行等,并向项目办和金融中介机 构提供书面审查意见;
(8) 编制采购计划,并向项目办金融中介机构提出采购方面的意见和建议;(9) 协助 ESG 专家指导金融中介机构和子借款人实施 ESG 原则;
(10) 编制中期报告和项目完工报告草案,并根据项目办和亚洲开发银行的审核意见 进行修订和完善;
(11) 保持识别和记录项目实施过程中项目实施主体、内容、资金投资等的所有重大 变化,并评估其对项目产出和结果的影响;
(12) 检查月进度并及时监控每个合同的执行进度;
(13) 协助项目实施机构解决与专家、承包商等合同双方对有关合同条款争议;(14) 向项目实施机构提供协助,提出专业意见,协助处理合同变更、合同纠纷等。;(15) 评估培训需求,开展亚洲开发银行贷款项目有关合同管理和质量保证的培训计 划或研讨会活动;
(16) 协助和组织培训、考察、知识传播和分享的非咨询合同;
承担组长和项目办安排的任何其他必要工作。2、绿色农业种植业专家(国内专家,8 人月)
专家应拥有农业、农业经济、植物学、土壤科学或相关领域的学士及以上学位,具有副 高及以上职称或相应执业资格最好年满 5 年,最好拥有 10 年在绿色农业种植和可持续农业 管理方面的经验, 熟悉国内和国际绿色农业政策、可持续农业实践和环境保护要求,在绿 色农业和可持续农业领域有丰富的实际工作经验,精通绿色农业种植技术、有机农业、生态 农业和可持续农业实践,对广西种植业发展的自然条件、现状、发展规划和挑战有深刻的理 解,有丰富的本地实践的专家优先,同时具有良好的中英文书写能力。专家应承担但不限于 以下主要任务:
(1) 根据项目需求,提供与项目相关的绿色农业种植和可持续农业管理的专业技术 支持;
(2) 协助和审查项目产出一项下所开展的绿色农业种植的课题研究,并提出绿色农 业技术、种植方法、环保和可持续性等方面专业咨询意见;
审查产出二项下的农业种植项目的实施计划和报告,向金融中介机构提供专业 建议,确保子项目的可持续性和效益;
(4) 协助项目进度报告、中期调整、完工报告、监测报告等编制,并提供可持续绿 色农业、种植方面的专业支持;
(5) 为项目的技术评审提供支持,包括采购文件、合同变更请求和项目管理支持;
(6) 为能力建设培训提供支持,制定培训计划,包括绿色农业种植技术、可持续农 业实践和环保措施;
(7) 完成组长和项目办安排的任何必要工作。
3、绿色畜牧业专家(国内专家,8 人月)
专家最好拥有畜牧学、动物科学、农业生态学或相关领域的学士及以上学位,具有副高 及以上职称或相应执业资格最好年满 5 年,最好拥有 10 年在绿色畜牧业和可持续畜牧管理 方面的经验,熟悉国内和国际绿色畜牧政策、可持续畜牧实践和环境保护要求,在绿色畜牧 业和可持续畜牧管理领域有丰富的实际工作经验,参与过相关国内和国际畜牧项目,精通绿 色畜牧技术、畜牧养殖管理、饲养方法和可持续畜牧实践,对广西畜牧业发展的自然条件、现状、发展规划和挑战有深刻的理解,有丰富的本地实践的专家优先,同时具有良好的中英 文书写能力。专家应承担但不限于以下主要任务:
(1) 根据项目需求,提供与项目相关的绿色畜牧业和可持续畜牧管理的专业技术支 持;
(2) 协助和审查项目产出一项下所开展的绿色畜牧的课题研究,并提出绿色畜牧技 术、养殖方法、环保和可持续性等方面的专业咨询意见;
(3) 审查产出二项下的畜牧项目的实施计划和报告,向金融中介机构提供专业建议,确保子项目的可持续性和效益;
(4) 协助项目进度报告、中期调整、完工报告、监测报告等编制,并提供可持续绿 色畜牧、养殖方面的专业支持;
(5) 为项目的技术评审提供支持,包括采购文件、合同变更请求和项目管理支持;(6) 为能力建设培训提供支持,制定培训计划,包括绿色畜牧技术、可持续畜牧实 践和环保措施;
(7) 完成组长和项目办安排的任何必要工作
4、绿色渔业专家(国内专家,8 人月)
专家最好拥有渔业学、水产学、海洋生态学或相关领域的学士及以上学位,具有副高及 以上职称或相应执业资格最好年满 5 年,最好拥有 10 年在绿色渔业和可持续渔业管理方面 的经验,熟悉国内和国际绿色渔业政策、可持续渔业实践和环保要求,在绿色渔业和可持续 渔业管理领域有丰富的实际工作经验, 参与过相关国内和国际渔业项目,精通绿色渔业技 术、渔业资源管理、捕捞方法和可持续渔业实践,对广西渔业发展的自然条件、现状、发展 规划和挑战有深刻的理解,有丰富的本地实践的专家优先,同时具有良好的中英文书写能力。
(1) 根据项目需求,提供与项目相关的绿色渔业和可持续渔业管理的专业技术支持;(2) 协助和审查项目产出一项下所开展的绿色渔业的课题研究,并提出绿色渔业技 术、捕捞方法、环保和可持续性等方面的专业咨询意见;
(3) 审查产出二项下的渔业项目的实施计划和报告,向金融中介机构提供专业建议,确保子项目的可持续性和效益;
(4) 协助项目进度报告、中期调整、完工报告、监测报告等编制,并提供可持续绿 色渔业、渔业管理方面的专业支持;
(5) 为项目的技术评审提供支持,包括采购文件、合同变更请求和项目管理支持;(6) 为能力建设培训提供支持,制定培训计划,包括绿色渔业技术、可持续渔业实 践和环保措施;
(7) 完成组长和项目办安排的任何必要工作。
5、农产品加工专家(国内专家,8 人月)
专家最好拥有食品科学、食品工程、农业工程或相关领域的学士及以上学位,具有副高 及以上职称或相应执业资格最好年满 5 年,最好拥有 10 年在农产品加工和食品生产方面的 经验, 熟悉国内和国际食品安全法规、食品质量标准和农产品加工技术,在农产品加工和 食品生产领域有丰富的实际工作经验, 参与过相关国内和国际食品加工项目,精通食品生 产流程、卫生和食品质量控制,对广西农产品加工发展现状、规划和挑战有深刻的理解,有
丰富的本地实践的专家优先,同时具有良好的中英文书写能力。专家应承担但不限于以下主 要任务:
(1) 协助和审查项目产出一项下所开展的农产品加工的课题研究,并提出农产品加 工的专业咨询意见;
(2) 协助产出二项下子项目优化农产品加工流程,提高生产效率和产品质量;协助审查产出二项下的农产品加工项目的实施计划和报告,提供专业建议,以 (3) 确保产品符合食品安全标准;
(4) 协助项目进度报告、中期调整、完工报告等的编制,并提供食品生产和加工方 面的专业支持;
(5) 为项目的技术评审提供支持,包括采购文件、合同变更请求和项目管理支持;为能力建设培训提供支持,制定培训计划,包括食品安全、食品质量管理和农 (6) 产品加工技术;
(7) 完成组长和项目办安排的任何必要工作。
6、 农业价值链商务专家(国内专家,8 人月)
专家最好拥有农业经济学、农业发展、市场营销或相关领域研究生及以上学历,具有副 高及以上职称或相应执业资格最好年满 5 年,具备深刻的农业产业链和市场开拓知识,在农 业价值链和商务开发领域有最好 10 年的工作经验,具备电子商务、数字营销和市场推广的 专业经验,熟悉农业市场、供应链管理、产业合作和国际贸易。专家应具有优秀的中英文书 写能力。专家应承担但不限于以下主要任务:
(1) 协助金融中介机构对拟贷子贷款/子项目的可行性进行评估,包括市场潜力和商 业模式的分析;
(2) 协助金融机构对子项目的农产品加工、数字化市场营销和物流设施、能源供应 和效率等方面开展尽职调查评估;
(3) 对所采用的技术提供专业建议,并向项目办和金融中介机构员工推广绿色、数 字化、节能的价值链;
评估项目实施机构能力加强方面的要求,以促进修订培训计划,以最有效的方 式促进绿色技术、价值链和农业企业的发展;
(5) 协助金融中介机构识别子借款人所需的财务支持,以促进价值链发展,包括电 子商务和市场开拓的资金支持;
(6) 协助项目办和金融中介机构筛选和确定绿色融资和价值链投资的子项目清单,特别关注数字化农业和市场扩展;
(7) 协助项目办评估和计算实施“设计监测框架”和 ESG(环境、社会和治理)指标 得分,协助项目进度报告、中期调整、完工报告、监测报告等编制,以确保项目的可持续性 和社会责任;
(8) 为项目的技术评审提供支持,包括采购文件、合同变更请求和项目管理支持;(9) 完成组长和项目办安排的任何必要工作。
7、ESG 专家/金融专家(国内专家,36 人月)
专家最好具有环境或社会科学、经济、金融、工程或相关领域的研究生及以上学历,具 有副高及以上职称或相应执业资格最好年满 5 年,对中国的 ESG 发展有深入的了解和专业 知识,并在相关领域拥有最好 10 年的工作经验,具有绿色金融、金融转贷项目经验、亚洲 开发银行贷款项目经验优先,专家应具有优秀的中英文书写和口语表达能力。专家应承担但 不限于以下主要任务:
(1)协助金融中介机构识别和设计具体的 ESG 实施程序和方法,以适应中国环境并在 中国相关领域得以实践应用,使用国内 ESG 指标,开展报告和披露框架评估,提供建议;(2)协助项目办和金融中介机构监督和检查管理信息系统(MIS)的设计、开发和运行;(3)协助金融中介机构将 ESG 实施纳入其业务流程和风险管理体系中;
(4)协助金融中介机构评估子借款人的 ESG 自我评价,计算 ESG 履行得分,将 ESG 履行得分与子贷款的定价和条款挂钩;
(5)协助项目办和金融中介机构监测、评估和报告每一个子贷款的子借款人 ESG 履行 的情况;
(6)协助项目办和金融中介机构解决 ESG 实施过程中的纠纷;(7)参加相关会议、研讨会以及亚洲开发银行的考察团评估;
8、财务管理专家(国内专家,36 人月)
专家最好具备金融、经济、会计或相关专业学士及以上学位,具有副高及以上职称或相 应执业资格最好年满 5 年,最好有 10 年以上在金融管理、财务管理和经济评估方面的经验,拥有国际金融组织贷款项目经验,熟悉亚洲开发银行的金融和经济分析要求,熟悉亚洲开发 银行的支付程序,有亚洲开发银行贷款项目金融转贷项目经验优先,具有优秀的中英文书写 和口语表达能力。专家应承担但不限于以下主要任务:
(1)负责根据亚洲开发银行和国内关于财务、资金、资产管理的要求,为项目的实施 提供财务和经济方面技术支持;
(2)协助项目办建立和实施基于 MIS 的财务管理系统,并向金融中介机构提供培训指 导,编制金融中介贷款的“财务管理手册”,包括金融中介贷款的支付程序、项目账户建立、联合融资安排、项目会计方法和文件保存、金融中介贷款实施进度报告、项目账户合并报表、外汇风险和利息风险管理等方面的内容;
(3)协助收集完善提款申请证明材料,编制完成提款申请所有表格,提交项目办;(4)协助项目办和金融中介机构制定项目财务管理体系、财务管理计划、支付计划和 预测,编制并提交项目财务管理手册;
(5)协助项目实施机构确定项目会计核算办法和支付程序,确保符合亚洲开发银行支 付要求、项目财务管理和审计要求;协助指导会计管理、支付处理和审计等财务相关任务;(6)协助指导审查项目实施机构的财务报表,编制、合并项目年度财务报告,提交项 目办;
(7)协助项目办和金融中介机构对子项目进行筛选和财务分析,为子借款人提供专业 建议;
(9)为进度报告、中期调整报告、项目竣工报告和其他必需文件提供财务和经济方面 的技术支持;
(10)协助项目办收集整理亚洲开发银行定期或特别的财务相关调查所需财务资料,如 支付进度和贷款使用情况等;
(12)为开展能力建设培训提供支持,制定亚洲开发银行的支付程序和财务管理、审计 等方面培训计划并提供培训;
9、人力资源开发与培训专家(国内专家,8 人月)
专家最好具备项目管理、人力资源或相关专业研究生及以上学历,具有副高及以上职称 或相应执业资格最好年满 5 年,有人力资源发展、能力建设、培训协调方面的经验,有农业 经济、绿色农业、农业电商等项目的管理经验;亚洲开发银行项目管理经验的优先;熟悉亚 洲开发银行在能力建设和培训方面的政策与流程;具备英语沟通能力和良好的沟通技巧。专 家应承担但不限于以下主要任务
(1)根据《项目管理手册》规定的能力提升部分内容,进行培训需求分析,编制培训 和能力发展计划,为项目办和金融中介机构提供专业建议;
(2)协调技术援助和能力发展合同包顾问,为项目与人力资源开发和培训有关方面提 供培训和能力建设;
(3)协助项目办和金融中介机构组织学习考察,包括可能的国内外考察,准备培训报 告;
(4)协调和组织研究展示会、研讨会、专题论坛和讨论会,以便传播知识和宣传项目 成果;
10、环境与气候变化专家(国内专家,12 人月)
专家最好具有环境科学或相关领域的研究生及以上学历,具有副高及以上职称或相应执 业资格最好年满 5 年,有环境管理、环境影响评估、气候变化适应和缓解方面具有最好 10 年的专业经验,有作为环境专家或气候变化专家在亚洲开发银行或世界银行贷款项目工作经 验的优先。专家应熟悉亚洲开发银行的保障政策声明(2009 年)、相关环境和气候变化指 南和要求以及中国国内环境保障指南和要求,有国际金融组织贷款项目环境管理经验优先。专家应熟悉亚洲开发银行的《保障政策声明》(2009 年)和相关性别政策和要求。专家应 具有良好的中英文书写和口语能力。专家应承担但不限于以下主要任务:
(1)协助项目办和广西金融中介机构实施和监督《环境和社会管理系统》、《环境管 理计划》等,并协调所有利益相关者,确保成功实施这些计划;
(2)指导金融中介机构并确保 ESMS 纳入其现有业务流程,并提供相关培训,以开展 筛选、分类和评估环境影响、保存 ESMS 记录保存以及提交报告;
(3)定期检查金融中介机构是否执行 ESMS;审查 ESMS 工作手册;根据需要进行现 场考察;识别问题并提出必要的整改措施;
(4)协助项目办审查环境外部监测机构编制的“环境监测与评估报告”; 审查亚洲开发 银行对报告的评论;监测 ESMS、《环境管理计划》实施符合性情况;
(5)收集和分析与区域性的农业特征相关的信息,以加强金融中介贷款项下的子项目 气候变化减缓和适应方面的能力,筛选子贷款,确保其遵守《巴黎协定》,并向执行和实施 机构提供有关《巴黎协定》一致性的培训;
(6)根据农业企业、价值链和生命周期等相关因素,评估子项目并建议使用低碳技术;(7)在子项目筛选和实施期间,帮助金融中介机构对子项目 CO2 减排进行定量分析;(8)协助金融中介机构检查子项目设计和环境影响评估中是否考虑了气候变化因素;(9)编制项目半年进度报告中的环境方面的内容;
(10)支持启动报告、进度报告、年度报告、中期调整报告、项目完工报告草案和最终 完工报告的编制;
11、移民安置、社会发展、少数民族和性别专家 (国内专家,18 人月)
专家最好具有社会科学或相关领域研究生及以上学历,具有副高及以上职称或相应执业 资格最好年满 5 年,专家应接受过亚洲开发银行或世界银行关于原住民、社会发展、性别发 展和移民安置等方面的培训,有移民安置、少数民族发展、社会发展和性别相关问题方面具 有最好 10 年的专业经验,拥有亚洲开发银行或世界银行贷款项目的安全保障咨询服务经验 的优先。对广西社会发展规划、广西各地相关政策以及所面临的挑战有深刻的理解,在相关 领域有本地实践的专家优先。专家应熟悉亚洲开发银行的《保障政策声明》(2009 年)和 相关性别政策和要求。专家应具有优秀的中英文书写能力。专家应承担但不限于以下主要任 务:
(1)协助项目办和广西金融中介机构更新和实施《少数民族发展计划》和《移民安置 计划》(如适用);
(3)协助项目办审查移民和社会外部监测机构编制的“移民和社会发展监测与评估报告”,审查亚洲开发银行对报告的评论;监测 ESMS、《移民安置计划》、《性别行动计划》、《社 会发展行动计划》的实施符合性情况;
(4)评估影响程度和实施过程中存在的问题,向项目办和广西金融中介机构解释主要 问题,并协助采取后续行动,解决这些问题;
(6)支持启动报告、年度报告、中期调整报告、项目完工报告草案和最终完工报告的 编制;
12、绩效评价专家 (国内专家,18 人月)
专家最好具有拥有管理、社会科学、统计学或相关领域研究生及以上学历,具有副高及 以上职称或相应执业资格最好年满 5 年,具备绩效评价、数据分析、定量和定性研究方法的 专业知识,熟悉各种绩效评价方法和工具,在绩效评价领域最好拥有 10 年的工作经验,拥 有国际金融组织贷款项目绩效评价经验,熟悉国际金融组织贷款项目绩效评价的要求和程序,对广西社会发展规划、广西各地相关政策以及所面临的挑战有深刻的理解,在相关领域有本 地实践的专家优先。具有优秀的中英文书写和口语能力。专家应承担但不限于以下主要任务:(1)协助或组织建立项目实施的项目管理体系和 “项目绩效管理系统”,制定详细的项 目绩效管理系统框架和实施计划,包括总体监测系统、指标、目标的细化、监测数据来源、报告系统等;
(2)根据项目设计、监测框架以及项目的进展情况更新绩效指标,收集、分析和报告 与项目相关的绩效评价相关数据,编制项目绩效管理体系年度监测报告;
(3)在项目实施开始时,开展基线调查或核实基线数据,为初始报告提供项目绩效管 理方面的技术支持;
(4)为进度报告、项目中期调整报告和完工报告以及项目需要的其他报告提供项目绩 效管理方面的技术支持;
(5)开展能力建设方面的培训,提供关于亚洲开发银行项目绩效管理体系、监测系统 和程序的培训;
(6)协助支持项目实施机构,按照中国的审计、监督政策和要求完成项目绩效监督任 务;
1、项目助理 (国内专家,74 人月)
项目助理最好具有项目管理、商务管理、行政管理、外语或相关领域的研究生及以上学 历,最好拥有 5 年的工作经验。有亚洲开发银行或世界银行贷款项目准备、管理和实施经验 者优先,有优秀的中英文应用书写和口语能力,承担但不限于以下主要任务:
(1)协助组长、副组长协调项目专家团队的日常运营,提供后勤支持,确保各项任务 按计划进行;
(2)组织和协调各类与项目相关的研讨会、培训、考察等活动,确保各项活动按计划 进行;
(3)负责收集和整理现场考察的数据,管理与项目相关的合同、报告、会议记录和其 他相关文档,确保信息的可访问性和机密性;
2、翻译 (国内专家,24 人月)
翻译应具有英语翻译、英语语言学或应用语言学专业的研究生及以上学历,获得英语专 业八级证书,并最好拥有 10 年的工作经验,有亚洲开发银行或世界银行贷款项目翻译经验 者优先,有优秀的中英文应用书写和口语能力,具体要求和主要任务为:
(2)熟悉中文、英文各种文体的翻译技巧, 熟练掌握目标语言的语法、拼写和文化,了解目标语言的文化和习惯,以确保翻译不会引起文化冲突或误解,确保翻译的准确性、流 畅性和专业性;
(3)熟悉国际金融组织贷款项目的流程、技术术语以及相关的专业知识,熟练处理各 种文件格式,如 Word、PDF、Excel 等;
1启动报告进场后 1 个月
2项目管理流程进场后 3 个月
3能力发展和培训计划进场后 3 个月
4半年进度报告每年 7 月 15 日前
5年度综合报告每年 1 月 15 日前
6ESMS 监测报告(半年度)每年 7 月 15 日、1 月 15 日前
7年度项目财务报表每年 3 月 30 日前
8项目绩效报告每年 1 月 15 日前
10《完工报告》(初稿)项目结束前 6 个月
11《完工报告》项目实际完工后 6 个月内

1、《启动报告》将介绍咨询服务的方法,包括项目概要、最新进展、项目管理的实施 方法和途径,以及工作计划。
2、《项目管理流程》,概述管理、采购、财务管理以及其他项目实施任务的项目办内 部管理系统。
3、《半年进度报告》,内容包括环境监测内容、土地使用权流转计划和移民安置计划 监测内容、少数民族发展计划监测内容、社会和性别行动计划监测内容、项目管理实施、采 购工作进度、培训记录、问题及解决方法等。
4、《年度综合报告》,内容包括环境监测内容、土地使用权流转计划和移民安置计划 监测内容、少数民族发展计划监测内容、社会和性别行动计划监测内容、项目管理实施、采 购工作进度、培训记录等,以及通过履行指标完成情况衡量项目产出的进度,实施过程中的 重点问题和解决措施,更新的采购计划,以及未来 12 个月的更新实施计划。
5、《ESMS 监测报告》半年度,内容包括评估 ESMS 的符合性和实施进度情况等。
7、《项目绩效报告》,对绩效指标的完成情况进行分析评估,并提出专业的项目管理 建议。项目完工年度的绩效报告在项目实际完工后 6 个月内完成。
8、《完工报告》将介绍项目办、金融中介机构、咨询服务以及子借款人开展的项目活 动,咨询服务和子项目的产出、遇到的问题以及改进项目管理的建议。
9、报告应报亚洲开发银行和项目办审查,所有报告均用中英文书写。每份报告应提供 一份软拷贝和两份打印版,分别提交给亚洲开发银行(英文)和项目办(中英文版)。
(一)咨询公司应具备为在中国实施过的类似项目提供咨询服务及实施支持的丰富经 验,鼓励竞标咨询公司在提交其技术建议时,对更好地实施项目提出建议,建议所涉及到的 费用问题应在财务建议中详细阐明,所提建议也会在咨询合同磋商阶段得到处理。
(二)咨询公司在提供咨询服务过程中发生的任何费用,包括但不限于第三方服务费、购买或获取与项目实施相关的数据和信息的费用、非关键专家服务的费用成本,均应包含在 财务建议书中。
Asian Development Bank
Guangxi Environmentally Sustainable Rural
Development Demonstration Project
Project Implementation Support Consulting
Terms of References
Contract Number: CS-PM-1
Prepared by:Guangxi Administration Center
of Foreign Funded Project for Agriculture
Date: June 2024
INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission.
Project background 1Introduction 1Project output 1
II. Objectives of consulting services 2Scope of consulting services and contents 2Scope of Services 2Contents of services and requirements 2Project management 2Project progress and investment progress 3Financial management and disbursement 3Procurement management 3Contract management 3Performance monitoring and reporting 3Safeguards and monitoring 4Mid-term review and completion evaluation 4Capacity development and training 4Language services 4
IV. Duration of consulting service 4
V. Implementation arrangement 4
VI. Qualification Requirements and Detailed Tasks 5
(I) Qualification requirements on consulting firm 5
(II) Requirements for the specialists 6
Project Management Specialist (Team leader) (International, 12 person-months) 6ESG Specialist / Financial Specialist (International, 12 person-months) 6
1. Project Management Specialist / Procurement Management Specialist (Deputy Team
Leader) (National, 48 person-months) 7
2. Green Agriculture Planting Specialist (National, 8 person-months) 8Green Animal Husbandry Specialist (National, 8 person-months) 8Green Fishery Specialist (National, 8 person-months) 9
5.Agri-products Processing Specialist (National, 8 person-months) 10
6. Agricultural Value Chain Specialist (National, 8 person-months) 10
7. ESG Specialist / Financial Specialist (National, 36 person-months) 11
8. Financial Management Specialist (National, 36 person-months) 12
9. Human Resources Development and Training Specialist (National, 8 person-months) 12
10. Environmental and Climate Change Specialist(National, 12 person-months) 13
11. Resettlement, Social Development, Ethnic Minority and Gender Specialist(National, 18
person-months) 14
12. Performance Evaluation Specialist (National, 18 person-months) 14
13. Project assistant (National, 74 person-months) 15
14. Translator / Interpreter(National, 24 person-months) 15
VII. Reporting requirements 16
Deliverables 16Reporting requirements 16
VIII. Other requirements on consulting firm 17
IX. Collaboration provided by the Client 17
INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission.
Project Implementation Support Consulting Services Terms of ReferencesProject background
(I) Introduction
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (Guangxi) is one of the less developed provinces in China, ranking towards the lower end in terms of per capita GDP among the 31 provinces nationwide. It has a total permanent resident population of 50.27 million, with a large rural population accounting for 43.21%% of the total1, showing a significant disparity in per-capita income between urban and rural residents. Guangxi has a total land moderate area of 237,600 km2, of which about 18.46% are cropland. The year-around climate and the region’s biosphere is favorable for agriculture production. Its geographical advantage also provides high potential of its agriculture products access to nearby markets.
In order to promote the green and high-quality agricultural and rural development in Guangxi, enhance its overall strength in agriculture and rural areas, and foster sustainable rural environmental development, Chinese Government has requested Asian Development Bank (ADB) to provide loans and technical assistance for Guangxi Environmentally Sustainable Rural Development Demonstration Project (the Project) for a loan of CNY 1.099275 billion from the ADB’s ordinary capital resources to help finance the Project, with a loan term of 20 years, including a grace period of 6 years. The total investment of the Project is CNY 3.075558 billion. The Project will adopt integrated solutions to bring a paradigm shift in rural development by promoting innovative practices, supporting rural green economic development, and delivering rural climate resilience.
The Executive Agency (EA) is the Government of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, represented by the Guangxi Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (DARA). Authorized by DARA, Guangxi Administration Center of Foreign Funded Project for Agriculture is the project management office (PMO) of the Project, which is also the implementing agency (IA) of Output 1 of the Project. Guangxi Beibu Gulf Bank (GBGB) is selected as the financial intermediary (FI), which is also the IA of the Output 2 of the Project.
(II) Project output
The Project includes two components, respectively “Project Loan” (Output 1) and“Financial Intermediary Loan” (FIL, Output 2). Under the FIL component, GBGB has been selected as the FI to channel the loan proceeds to the qualified sub-borrowers of qualified sub-project.
Output 1: Institutional capacity for environmentally sustainable rural development strengthened. This output will include (i) developing the provincial level low-carbon and green agriculture sector development road map and action plan for climate resilience and environmentally sustainable rural development; (ii) promoting new low-carbon and sustainable agriculture practice technologies and applications; (iii) building a digital management information system platform at DARA to efficiently support monitoring, evaluation, verification, and reporting of the environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance; (iv) incubating innovation and disseminating knowledge solutions within China and other ADB developing member countries; (v) enhancing capacity and raising awareness of sustainable and climate-resilient agriculture practices among the government agencies at various levels of Guangxi , agribusiness enterprises, practitioners, financial institutions; and (vi) supporting project management and implementation, including by promoting of inter-agency coordination and cooperation.
Output 2: Rural environmental, social, and governance financing facility established and operationalized. Under this output, the Project will establish and operationalize a rural
1 The data is from the Statistical Bulletin of National Economic and Social Development of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in 2023
INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission.
ESG financing facility through an ADB FIL to improve access to finance for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in sustainable and value-added agriculture production, processing, and value chain development. The FIL modality will enable ADB and the government to establish partnerships with local commercial banks to channel funding to SMEs for sustainable agriculture investments. In addition, the ADB financing will mobilize co-financing from participating domestic commercial banks to promote investments in sustainable agribusiness, and thereby accelerate environmentally sustainable rural development through a market-oriented approach.
II. Objectives of consulting services
The objectives of the consulting services are to select and engage a reputable company with a proven track record in the relevant field to provide consultancy services to the IAs of the Project. These services will cover project management, procurement management, contract management, resettlement, social and gender development, environmental management, and financial management. The consulting firm shall provide the consulting services to ensure that the Project will be implemented in accordance with the ADB relevant guidelines and procedures, that the quality and efficiency of the work at all stages of the project implementation are improved, as to attain the overall project objectives.
III. Scope of consulting services and contents
(I) Scope of Services
The target recipients for the consulting services shall include, but not limited to, the IAs (PMO, FI), the sub-project implementers, as well as service providers, contractors, and consulting firms related to the project. The services provided include but are not limited to project management; procurement, disbursement, and contract management; financial management; project performance monitoring and reporting; safeguard management and monitoring; project surveys, training, review, and evaluation; technical due diligence, ESG assessment and monitoring; legal consultancy; translation etc.
(II) Contents of services and requirements
1. Project management
project implementation management system and a "project (i) Establish a
performance management system", including: project physical and financial progress; progress and results of capacity building; implementation of the environmental and social management system (ESMS), environmental management plan (EMP), gender action plan (GAP), ethic minorities development plan (EMDP)and social development action plan (SDAP); compliance with loan covenants (policy, financial, economic, sector etc.); (ii) Develop detailed implementation plans and annual work plans according to the project implementation plan.
(iii) Develop relevant management tools or templates tailored to the project's characteristics and provide related application training.
(iv) Establish a project reporting system, detail specific tasks for project management, progress tracking, and project monitoring and evaluation, and be responsible for coordinating, reviewing, and supervising their implementation.
(v) Assist the IAs in establishing and implementing the ESMS, help the FI to integrate ESMS into existing operation for screening, categorizing, and managing of the eligible sub-projects and sub-borrowers.
(vi) Assist the IAs in screening the eligible sub-projects based on ESG, ESMS, and ADB policies, and ensure the implementation of ESG and ESMS.
(vii) Assist the FI in conducting technical due diligence, ESG assessments, and monitoring for sub-borrowers.
(viii) Audit, test, and track the use and maintenance of the Management Information System (MIS), and provide relevant maintenance or modification suggestions as needed to ensure the normal and effective operation of the MIS system.
(ix) Coordinate with ADB task teams for project inspections, performance evaluations, etc., and assist the IAs in addressing all issues raised by the ADB task teams.
INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission.
(x) Assist the PMO and relevant departments in conducting public participation and consultation, public environmental awareness, education and knowledge sharing activities, as well as training.
(xi)Provide legal consultancy services for the project implementation.
2. Project progress and investment progress
(i) Develop the annual and semi-annual implementation schedules for works, consulting services and funding of the Project, and compare them with actual progress to ensure consistency between overall project implementation progress and plans.
(ii) Regularly update and adjust the implementation schedules for works, consulting service and fund utilization according to the actual progress and project milestone targets.
(iii) Prepare the semi-annual progress reports and annual comprehensive reports for the Project in formats acceptable to ADB, covering the contents of the specific completion status for each output, issues encountered during implementation and the corresponding measures taken, updated procurement plans, and procurement plans for the next fiscal year.
3. Financial management and disbursement
(i) Assist in collecting and refining the evidence of withdrawal application documents, prepare all necessary forms for withdrawal applications, and submit them to the PMO; (ii) Prepare and consolidate annual financial reports for the Project and submit them to the PMO.
(iii) Provide financial management assistance related to the Project to the PMO and FI, covering the aspects of fund management, accounting management, and disbursement management.
(iv) Assist in project audits and support the PMO in submitting relevant audit reports to ADB.
(V) Provide training and carry out capacity building in financial management, project accounting, withdrawal application, debt accounting, account reconciliation etc.
4. Procurement management
(i) Develop procurement plans in accordance with the requirements of the implementation plan.
(ii) Assist the PMO in adjusting the contents of consulting services under Output 1 to ADB for review.
(iii) Assist the PMO in drafting, refining, and reviewing the "Terms of Reference" for consulting services under Output 1.
(iv) Provide support for the procurement of both consulting and non-consulting services, including drafting and reviewing tender documents for Output 1, and offering technical support and assistance in the reviewing, bid evaluation and contract award etc. (v) Provide necessary training on procurement.
5. Contract management
(i) Draft contracts as per the requirements of the PMO, assist in contract review, negotiation, modification and signing.
(ii) Assist in monitoring and controlling the implementation of project contracts.
(iii) Assist in reviewing and handling contract variation, disputes and terminations.
(iv) Assist in contract completion acceptance, collect, and organize contract materials and improve archiving.
6. Performance monitoring and reporting
(i) Before the implementation of the Project, conduct review of the framework of the project performance management system (PPMS) and keep updating as needed.
(ii) Develop and establish the PPMS monitoring system, collect data, and formulate monitoring methodology.
(iii) Conduct semi-annual monitoring of the PPMS and incorporate the monitoring results into project progress reports.
(iv) Conduct annual performance evaluation work.
(v) Prepare and submit PPMS reports.
INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission.
(vi) Provide training and capacity building to relevant management personnel of the Project on ADB's PPMS requirement, monitoring policies, and procedures.
7. Safeguards and monitoring
(i) Implement the EMP of the ESMS, and refine, revise, and update documents of resettlement plan (RP), GAP, EMDP and SDAP etc.
(ii) Carry out the internal and compliance monitoring of the EMP, review project progress and implementation status, as well as conduct internal monitoring of the implementation of the RP, EMDP, GAP and SDAP.
(iii) Assist, coordinate, and review the external monitoring reports on environmental, social, ethnic minority and gender aspects prepared by independent consulting firms.
8. Mid-term review and completion evaluation
(i) Implementation status of the Project in the mid-term. Based on the Project's implementation status, prepare a mid-term review report and provide recommendations for necessary adjustments to fulfill the Project's development objectives and enhance the efficiency of utilizing ADB loan funds.
(ii) Completion status of the Project. Prior to the completion of the Project, compile a Project Completion Report (PCR) in accordance with ADB guidelines. The PCR will encompass the entire status of project implementation and completion, evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of project preparation and implementation, assess project performance against predetermined targets, and detail the targeted values of performance monitoring indicators.
9. Capacity development and training
(i) Analyze training requirements based on the comprehensive project implementation plan and formulate a training and capacity development strategy.
(ii) Deliver training and capacity-building sessions to the project management personnel on ADB's project preparation, implementation, and procedural protocols.
(iii) Support the PMO in executing capacity-building initiatives and coordinate the organization of training sessions focused on ADB's policies, guidelines, and project management expertise, following the approved training and capacity development plan endorsed by the PMO.
(iv) Collaborate with the PMO to organize workshops, seminars, thematic forums, to project implementation, facilitating the promotion of and conferences relevant
knowledge sharing and highlighting project accomplishments.
10. Language services
(i) Provide translation / interpretation services during the project implementation, including English translation of all documents submitted to ADB, as well as on-site translation work for meetings, training sessions, and site visits.
(ii) Other tasks related to the Project assigned by the PMO.
IV. Duration of consulting service
The consulting service term of the project shall be from the effective date of the contract to 30 June, 2030, subject to the actual closing date of the project.
V. Implementation arrangement
The consulting services for project implementation support will be carried out by a selected team of consultants through a consulting firm. A total of 24 person-months of international and 314 person-months of national consulting services will be required. The consulting firm can also propose non-key specialists based on their understanding of the Project to facilitate the project implementation, to the best extend. The consulting services will be financed by the ADB loan proceeds, and the consulting firm will be recruited by the PMO according to Procurement Regulations for ADB Borrowers - Goods, Works, Non-consulting and Consulting Services (2017, as amended from time to time).The consulting firm will be selected by (i) inviting full technical proposals (FTP); and (ii) using the quality and cost-based selection (QCBS) method, with a quality–cost weighting ratio of 90:10. List of key consultants are provided in Table 1.
List of Key Consultants and Inputs Table 1:
INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission.
SL.SpecialistInput (person/month)
International(Key Experts)
1Project Management Specialist ( Team Leader)12
2ESG Specialist / Financial Specialist12
A.Key Experts
1Project Management Specialist / Procurement Management Specialist (Deputy Team Leader)48
2Green Agriculture Planting Specialist8
3Green Animal Husbandry Specialist8
4Green Fishery Specialist8
5Agri-products Processing Specialist8
6Agricultural Value Chain Specialist8
7ESG Specialist / Financial Specialist36
8Financial Management Specialist36
9Human Resources Development and Training Specialist8
10Environmental and Climate Change Specialist12
11Resettlement, Social Development and Gender Specialist18
12Performance Evaluation Specialist18
B.Non-key Experts
1Project Assistant74
210. Translator / Interpreter24

VI. Qualification Requirements and Detailed Tasks
(I) Qualification requirements on consulting firm
1. The consulting firm should have good track record and reputation, with implementation experiences of preferably five (5) loan projects that are financed by ADB, the World Bank or other international financial institutions (IFI).
2. The consulting firm should have preferably experience in providing consulting services for the implementation of loan projects from ADB, the World Bank, or other IFIs. Preference is given to those with experience in providing consulting services for the implementation of rural green agriculture development and environmental improvement projects, as well as ADB FIL projects.
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3. The consulting firm should be preferably well-versed in the procedures and
requirements of ADB-funded projects, with a reservoir of expertise covering various
aspects such as project management and reporting, procurement, disbursement, green
finance, ESG application, environmental and social safeguards, financial management,
and agricultural enterprise development and management. Moreover, it should
demonstrate the capability to deliver prompt consulting services. Preference will be given
to firms that have established branch offices in Guangxi or possess prior experience in
consulting service projects within the region.
(II) Requirements for the specialists
For each of the international and national consultant positions, the specialists shall
have preferably (i) relevant degrees and qualifications; (ii) sound technical experience in
relevant specialist fields with sufficient practice; and (iii) experience in consulting projects
in China.
A. International specialists(Key Specialists)
1. Project Management Specialist(Team leader) (International, 12 person-months)
The Project Management Specialist shall preferably hold a master's degree or above
in agricultural engineering or environmental engineering, with a senior professional title or
equivalent qualification and preferably five years of experience, also with preferably 20
years of work experience in project management related to sustainable agriculture and
rural development. Experiences in recent years as the team leader for consulting services
in ADB-financed projects and familiarity with ADB's guidelines and procedures will be
highly regarded. The specialist will be fully responsible for assisting the PMO and FI in
effectively and promptly implementing the Project. The team leader shall perform but not
limited to the following major tasks:
(1) Lead all project management support activities as the team leader.
(2) Propose and finalize overall approaches for project management support in
implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the Project.
(3) Organize the specialist team to prepare and finalize the deliverables as
outlined in "Report Requirements” under Section VII in this TOR and be accountable for
the quality of the reports.
(4) Assess the requirements of capacity building for the relevant personnel of the
IAs of the Project; facilitate the training programs, knowledge sharing, and study tours
specified under non-consulting packages;
(5) Lead the specialist team to monitor and guide the entire project
implementation, including the achievement of project outputs and outcome and the
compliance with the key legal covenants, procurement, safeguards, ESMS, and ESG to
identify the main problems in the implementation process solutions for problems encountered;
and lead the team to provide
(6) Establish the effective mechanism to ensure smooth collaboration between
the project implementation consulting firm and other consultants engaged by the PMO.
(7) Prepare regular monitoring reports including ESG assessment and
(8) Provide technical support to FL for technical assessment and appraisal, and
(9) Undertake any other necessary tasks as mutually agreed by the PMO, FL and
the consulting firm.
2. ESG Specialist / Financial Specialist (International, 12 person-months)
The ESG Specialist / Financial Specialist should preferably hold a master's degree or
above in environmental or social sciences, economics, finance, engineering, or related
fields, with a senior professional title or equivalent qualification and preferably 5 years of
relevant experience, including preferably 15 years of financing experience. Proficiency in
English with fluent Mandarin Chinese speaking skills is preferred. Experience in IFI
financed projects (such as ADB, World Bank etc.) is required, particularly in the area of
providing financial services to IFIs is essential. Specialist with experience in green finance,
ESG investment, international ESG frameworks and assessments, as well as sustainable
finance and FIL projects are preferred. Priority will be given to those with a background in
INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission.
cooperation with the Chinese government and experience in intergovernmental
cooperation. The specialist shall perform but not limited to the following major tasks:
(1) Identify, review, and summarize international best practices, programs, and
policies for domestically applicable ESG information and indicators aligned with the
(2) Provide the PMO with technical assistance to the evaluate, oversee, and
verify the ESG implementation of FI and sub-borrowers.
(3) Support the PMO and FIs in supervising and inspecting the design,
development, and operation of the Management Information System (MIS) and offer
essential training for relevant personnel.
(4) Review and edit the draft consolidated ESG report to ADB, ensuring
high-quality content.
(5) Participate in the related meetings, workshops, and ADB Mission.
(6) Develop relevant knowledge products on ESG integration for ADB publication
deriving from the findings and lessons learned from the Project which can be shared with
other developing members.
(7) Undertake any other necessary tasks assigned by the Team Leader and the
B. National specialist (Key Experts)Project Management Specialist / Procurement Management Specialist
(Deputy Team Leader) (National, 48 person-months)
Project Management, Procurement and Contract Management Specialist also serves
as the Deputy Team Leader for consulting services, assisting the Team Leader, and
specifically overseeing consulting services related to project management and
procurement management. The specialist should preferably possess a master's degree or
above in management, engineering, or a related field, along with a senior professional title
or equivalent qualification and preferably 5 years of relevant experience. Additionally, the
specialist should preferably have 15 years of professional experience in related fields
and have participated in IFI-financed projects in Guangxi. Priority will be given to those with
project management experience, particularly in projects financed by the ADB and World
Bank. The specialist should be fully familiar with the policies, procedures, safeguard
measures, and procurement management of ADB-financed projects and should also be
well-versed in the procedures for FIL. Additionally, the specialist should possess excellent
written and verbal communication skills in both Chinese and English. The specialist shall
perform but not limited to the following major tasks:
(1) Manage the daily operations of the team under the guidance of the Team
(2) Develop comprehensive project implementation plans and procedures for
guiding and monitoring the overall project activities undertaken by PMO and IAs.
(3) Develop procedures and formats for reporting project progress to the ADB,
including the procurement plan, withdrawal, disbursement, implementation status of the
action plans and the specific loan covenants outlined in the project legal documents.
Provide relevant training on these requirements to the relevant staff of IAs.
(4) Organize the establishment of the project management system and the
"Project Performance Management System" for the project implementation.
(5) Prepare the progress reports, midterm review report, quarterly and annual
reports and draft PCR in accordance with ADB requirements.
(6) Advise on actions needed to ensure adherence to ADB safeguard policies
and project agreement covenants.
(7) Review the progress of disbursements, withdrawal applications, and
procurement progress, and provide written comments to the PMO and FI.
(8) Prepare the procurement plan and provide advice and recommendations on
procurement activities to the PMO and FI.
(9) Facilitate the ESG specialist in guiding and FIs and sub-borrowers to
implement ESG principles.
INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission.
(10) Prepare the midterm review report and the draft PCR, and make revisions and improvement based on the review comments by PMO and ADB.
(11) Continuously identify and document all significant revisions to the implementing entities, contract scopes, investments, etc., and assess their impacts on project outputs and outcomes.
Review monthly progress and timely monitor the progress of each contract. (12)
(13) Assist the IAs in resolving disputes over contract terms between specialists, contractors, and other parties.
(14) Provide assistance to the IAs, offer professional opinions, and assist in handling contract variations and disputes, etc.
Assess the training needs and develop training programs / seminars (15)
pertaining to the ADB’s procedures and requirements concerning contract management and quality assurance.
(16) Facilitate and organize non-consulting contracts of training, study tours, and knowledge dissemination and sharing.
(17) Undertake any other necessary tasks assigned by the Team Leader and the PMO.
2. Green Agriculture Planting Specialist (National, 8 person-months)
The specialist should preferably hold a bachelor's degree or higher in agriculture, agricultural economics, botany, soil science, or a related field, with a senior professional title or equivalent qualification and a minimum of 5 years of experience. Additionally, the specialist should have at least 10 years of experience in green agricultural cultivation and sustainable agricultural management, along with familiarity with domestic and international green agricultural policies, sustainable agricultural practices, and environmental protection requirements. Furthermore, the specialist should possess extensive practical experience in the field of green agriculture and sustainable agriculture, demonstrating proficiency in green agricultural cultivation techniques, organic farming, ecological agriculture, and sustainable agricultural practices. The specialist should also demonstrate a deep understanding of the natural conditions, current situation, development plans, and challenges of the planting industry in Guangxi. Preference will be given to specialists with extensive local practice and excellent writing skills in both Chinese and English. The specialist shall perform but not limited to the following major tasks:
According to project requirements, provide professional technical support related to green agricultural cultivation and sustainable agricultural management.
(2) Assist in reviewing the research topics conducted under Output 1 related to green agricultural cultivation, and provide professional consultation on green agricultural techniques, cultivation methods, environmental protection, and sustainability.
Review the implementation plans and reports of agricultural cultivation (3)
components under Output 2, and provide professional advice to the FI to ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of sub-projects.
(4) Assist in the preparation of project progress reports, mid-term review, completion report, monitoring reports, etc., and provide professional support in sustainable green agriculture and cultivation.
Provide support for technical reviews of the Project, including procurement (5)
documents, request for contract variations, and project management support.
(6) Support capacity building training by developing comprehensive training plans that encompass green agricultural cultivation technologies, sustainable agricultural practices, and environmental protection measures.
(7) Undertake any other necessary tasks assigned by the Team Leader and the PMO.
3. Green Animal Husbandry Specialist (National, 8 person-months)
The specialist should preferably hold a bachelor's degree or higher in animal husbandry, animal science, agricultural ecology, or a related field, with a senior professional title or equivalent qualification and preferably 5 years of experience. Additionally, the specialist should have at least 10 years of experience in green animal
INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission.
husbandry and sustainable animal husbandry management, along with familiarity with domestic and international green animal husbandry policies, sustainable animal husbandry practices, and environmental protection requirements. Furthermore, the specialist should possess extensive practical experience in the field of green animal husbandry and sustainable animal husbandry management, having participated in relevant domestic and international animal husbandry projects, demonstrating proficiency in green animal husbandry techniques, livestock farming management, breeding methods, and sustainable animal husbandry practices. The specialist should also demonstrate a deep understanding of the natural conditions, current situation, development plans, and challenges of the animal husbandry industry in Guangxi. Preference will be given to specialists with extensive local practice and excellent writing skills in both Chinese and English. The specialist shall perform but not limited to the following major tasks:
(1) According to project requirements, provide professional technical support related to green animal husbandry and sustainable animal husbandry management.
Assist in reviewing the research topics conducted under Output 1 related to (2)
green animal husbandry, and provide professional consultation on green animal husbandry technologies, breeding methods, environmental protection, and sustainability.
(3) Review the implementation plans and reports of the livestock sub-project under Output 2, providing professional advice to FI to ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of the sub-projects.
(4) Assist in the preparation of progress reports, mid-term review, completion report, monitoring reports, etc., and provide professional support in sustainable green animal husbandry and breeding.
(5) Provide support for technical reviews of the Project, including procurement documents, request for contract variations, and project management support.
Support capacity building training by developing training plans that (6)
encompass g green animal husbandry technologies, sustainable animal husbandry practices, and environmental protection measures;
(7) Undertake any other necessary tasks assigned by the Team Leader and the PMO.
4. Green Fishery Specialist (National, 8 person-months)
The specialist should preferably hold a bachelor's degree or higher in fishery science, aquaculture, marine ecology, or a related field, with a senior professional title or equivalent qualification and a minimum of 5 years of experience. Additionally, the specialist should have preferably 10 years of experience in green fisheries and sustainable fisheries management, along with familiarity with domestic and international green fisheries policies, sustainable fisheries practices, and environmental protection requirements. Furthermore, the specialist should possess extensive practical experience in the field of green fisheries and sustainable fisheries management, participating in relevant domestic and international fisheries projects, demonstrating proficiency in green fisheries technology, fisheries resource management, fishing methods, and sustainable fisheries practices. The specialist should also demonstrate a deep understanding of the natural conditions, current situation, development plans, and challenges of the fisheries industry in Guangxi. Preference will be given to specialists with extensive local practice and excellent writing skills in both Chinese and English. The specialist shall perform but not limited to the following major tasks: (1) According to project requirements, provide professional technical support related to green fishery and sustainable fishery management.
(2) Assist in reviewing the research topics conducted under Output 1 related to green fishery, and provide professional consultation on green fishery technologies, fishing methods, environmental protection, and sustainability.
(3) Review the implementation plans and reports of the fishery subproject under Output 2, providing professional advice to FI to ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of the sub-projects.
INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission.
(4) Assist in the preparation of project progress reports, mid-term review, completion report, monitoring reports, etc., and provide professional support in sustainable green fishery and fishery management.
(5) Provide support for technical reviews of the Project, including procurement documents, request for contract variations, and project management support.
Support capacity building training by developing comprehensive training (6)
plans that encompass green fishery technologies, sustainable fishery practices, and environmental protection measures.
(7) Undertake any other necessary tasks assigned by the Team Leader and the PMO.
5. Agri-products Processing Specialist (National, 8 person-months)
The specialist should preferably hold a bachelor's degree or higher in food science, food engineering, agricultural engineering, or a related field, with a senior professional title or equivalent qualification and preferably 5 years of experience. Additionally, the specialist should have preferably 10 years of experience in agricultural product processing and food production, along with familiarity with domestic and international food safety regulations, food quality standards, and agricultural product processing technologies. Furthermore, the specialist should possess extensive practical experience in the field of agricultural product processing and food production, having participated in relevant domestic and international food processing projects. The specialist should demonstrate proficiency in food production processes, hygiene, and food quality control, and should have a profound understanding of the current situation, planning, and challenges of agricultural product processing in Guangxi. Preference will be given to specialists with extensive local practice, along with excellent writing skills in both Chinese and English. The specialist shall perform but not limited to the following major tasks:
(1) Assist in reviewing the research topics conducted under Output 1 related to Agri-products processing, and provide professional consultation on Agri-products processing.
(2) Assist in optimizing the agricultural product processing procedures for the sub-projects under Output 2 to enhance production efficiency and product quality.
(3) Assist in reviewing the implementation plans and reports of agricultural product processing subproject under Output 2, providing professional advice to ensure that the products meet food safety standards.
(4) Assist in the preparation of progress reports, mid-term review, completion report, etc., and provide professional support in food production and processing.
(5) Provide support for technical reviews of the Project, including procurement documents, request for contract variations, and project management support.
(6) Provide support for capacity building training by developing training plans covering topics such as food safety, food quality management, and agricultural product processing technology.
(7) Undertake any other necessary tasks assigned by the Team Leader and the PMO.
6. Agricultural Value Chain Specialist (National, 8 person-months)
The specialist should preferably hold a master's degree or higher in agricultural economics, agricultural development, marketing, or a related field, with a senior professional title or equivalent qualification and preferably 5 years of experience. Additionally, the specialist should possess profound knowledge of the agricultural industry chain and market development, with preferably 10 years of experience in agricultural value chain and business development. The specialist should have professional experience in e-commerce, digital marketing, and market promotion, along with familiarity with agricultural markets, supply chain management, industry cooperation, and international trade. The specialist shall have excellent written skills in English and Chinese. The specialist shall perform but not limited to the following major tasks:
INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission.
(1) Assist the FIs in assessing the feasibility of proposed sub-loans/sub-projects, including analyzing market potential and business models.
(2) Assist FIs in conducting due diligence assessments of agricultural product processing, digital marketing, logistics facilities, energy supply, and efficiency needs of the sub-projects.
Provide professional advice for technologies adopted and promote a green (3)
and energy-efficient value chain to the PMO and GBGB staff; provide professional advice on the adopted technologies and promote a green, digital, and energy-efficient value chain to the PMO and FI’s staff.
(4) Assess the capacity-building needs of the PMO, FIs, and sub-borrowers to facilitate the revision of training programs for the most effective promotion of green technologies, value chains, and agricultural enterprises.
(5) Assist FIs in identifying the financial support needed by sub-borrowers to facilitate value chain development, including funding support for e-commerce and market expansion.
(6) Assist the PMO and FIs in screening and identifying the list of sub-projects eligible for green financing and value chain investments, with particular focus on digital agriculture and market expansion.
(7) Assist the PMO in assessing and calculating the implementation of the Design Monitoring Framework (DMF) and ESG indicator scores, and assist in the preparation of project progress reports, mid-term reviews, completion report, and monitoring reports to ensure project sustainability and social responsibility.
(8) Provide support for technical reviews of the Project, including procurement documents, request for contract variations, and project management support.
(9) Undertake any other necessary tasks assigned by the Team Leader and the PMO.
7. ESG Specialist / Financial Specialist (National, 36 person-months)
The specialist should preferably hold a master's degree or higher in environmental or social sciences, economics, finance, engineering, or a related field, with a senior professional title or equivalent qualification and preferably 5 years of experience. Additionally, the specialist should have an in-depth understanding of ESG development in China and professional knowledge in this field, with preferably 10 years of work experience in relevant areas. Priority will be given to specialists with experience in green finance, FIL projects, and ADB-financed projects. The specialist should possess excellent written and oral communication skills in both Chinese and English. The specialist shall perform but not limited to the following major tasks:
(i) Assist the FIs in identifying and designing specific ESG implementation procedures and methods tailored to the Chinese context and applicable in relevant fields in China, utilizing domestic ESG indicators, conducting assessments of reporting and disclosure frameworks, and providing recommendations.
(ii) Support the PMO and FIs in supervising and inspecting the design, development, and operation of the Management Information System (MIS) and offer essential for relevant personnel. Assist the PMO and FIs in supervising and inspecting the design, development, and operation of the MIS, and provide necessary support for relevant personnel.
(iii) Assist FIs in incorporating ESG implementation into their business operation processes and risk management systems;
(iv) Assist the FIs in evaluating the ESG self-assessment of sub-borrowers, calculating the ESG performance score, and linking the ESG performance score with the pricing and terms of the sub-loans.
(v) Assist the PMO and FIs in monitoring, evaluating, and reporting on the ESG performance of each sub-borrower for every sub-loan.
(vi) Assist the PMO AND FIs in resolving disputes arising during the implementation of ESG measures; (vii) Participate in the related meetings, workshops, and ADB Mission.
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(viii) Undertake any other necessary tasks assigned by the Team Leader, PMO and FIs.
8. Financial Management Specialist (National, 36 person-months)
The specialist should preferably hold a bachelor's degree or higher in finance, economics, accounting, or a related field, with a senior professional title or equivalent qualification and preferably 5 years of experience. Additionally, the specialist should have preferably 10 years of experience in financial management, accounting, and economic evaluation, along with experience in IFI-financed projects. The specialist should be familiar with the ADB’s financial and economic analysis requirements, as well as the disbursement procedures. Priority will be given to those with experience in FIL projects under ADB loans and excellent written and oral communication skills in both Chinese and English. The specialist shall perform but not limited to the following major tasks:
(i) Be responsible for providing financial and economic technical support for project implementation in accordance with the ADB’s requirements and domestic regulations on finance, funding, and asset management.
(ii) Assist the PMO in establishing and implementing a financial management system based on MIS, and provide training and guidance to the FIs, compile the "Financial Management Manual" for FIL, covering the contents of disbursement procedures, setting up of accounts, co-financing arrangements, project accounting methods and document storage, reporting on the implementation progress of FIL, consolidated project account statements, foreign exchange risk management, and interest risk management.
(iii) Assist in collecting and refining the evidence of withdrawal application documents, prepare all necessary forms for withdrawal applications, and submit them to the PMO; (iv) Assist the PMO and FIs in developing the project financial management system, financial management plan, disbursements plan and prediction, and compile and submit the Project Financial Management Manual.
(v) Assist the IAs in determining project accounting methods and disbursement ADB’s requirements, project financial procedures, ensuring compliance with the
management, and audit requirements, Provide guidance on the implementation of financial tasks such as accounting management, disbursement processing, and auditing etc.
(vi) Assist in guiding the review of the IA's financial statements, prepare and consolidate annual financial reports for the Project, and submit them to the PMO.
(vii )Assist the PMO and FIs in screening and conducting financial analysis of sub-projects, and provide professional advice to sub-borrowers;
(viii) Provide the economic evaluation and analysis results for mid-term review and project completion report.
(ix) Provide technical support in financial and economic aspects for progress reports, mid-term review, project completion report, and other necessary documents.
(x) Assist the PMO in collecting and organizing financial data required for regular or special financial surveys conducted by ADB, such as disbursement progress and loan utilization.
(xi) In coordination with the specialist team, provide project implementation support and project management report for technical reviews, including procurement documents, requests for contract variations, due diligence, contractor claims.
(xii) Provide support for capacity building training, develop training plans for ADB's disbursement procedures, financial management, auditing, and other relevant areas, and provide training accordingly;
(xiii) Undertake any other necessary tasks assigned by the Team Leader, PMO and FIs.
Specialist (National, 8 9. Human Resources Development and Training
The specialist should preferably hold a master's degree or above in project management, human resources, or a related field, with a senior professional title or equivalent qualification and preferably 5 years of experience. Additionally, the specialist should have experience in human resources development, capacity building, and training
INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission.
coordination, with management experience in agricultural economics, green agriculture, agricultural e-commerce, and similar projects. Priority will be given to those with experience in project management with ADB financed projects and good familiarity with ADB's policies and procedures in capacity building and training. Proficiency in English communication and excellent communication skills are required. The specialist shall perform but not limited to the following major tasks:
(i) Conduct training needs analysis based on the capacity building requirements outlined in the Project Management Manual (PAM), develop training and capacity building plans, and provide professional advice to the PMO and FIs.
(ii) Coordinate the consultants hired under the technical assistance and capacity building contracts, providing necessary training and guidance on human resources development and training.
(iii) Assist the PMO and FIs in organizing study tours, including possible domestic and international tours, and prepare training reports.
(iv) Coordinate and organize research showcases, seminars, thematic forums, and discussions to disseminate knowledge and promote project achievements.
(v) Undertake any other necessary tasks assigned by the Team Leader and the PMO.
10. Environmental and Climate Change Specialist(National, 12 person-months) The specialist should preferably hold a master's degree or above in environmental science or a related field, with a senior professional title or equivalent qualification and preferably 5 years of experience. Additionally, the specialist should have preferably 10 years of professional experience in environmental management, environmental impact assessment, climate change adaptation and mitigation. Priority will be given to those with experience as environmental or climate change specialist in ADB or World Bank financed projects. The specialist should be familiar with ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) and relevant environmental and climate change guidelines and requirements as well as PRC domestic environment safeguard guidelines and requirements. Priority will be given to those with experience in environmental management of IFI’s financed projects. The specialist shall be familiar with ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) and relevant gender policy and requirements. The specialist should have good written and oral skills in English and Chinese. The specialist shall perform but not limited to the following major tasks:
(i) Assist the PMO and FIs in implementing and supervising the ESMS and EMP etc., and coordinate with all the stakeholders for successful implementation of these plans.
(ii) Guide the FIs to ensure the incorporation of ESMS into their existing operational procedures, provide relevant training for conducting screening, categorization, and assessment of environmental impacts, maintaining ESMS records, and submitting reports.
(iii) Conduct regular checks on the FI's compliance with the ESMS, review the ESMS workbooks; undertake necessary site visits, identify problems and propose necessary corrective actions.
(iv) Assist the PMO in reviewing the "Environmental Monitoring and Evaluation Report" prepared by the external environmental monitoring agency, review the ADB's comments on the report; monitor the implementation compliance of the ESMS and EMP.
(v) Collect and analyze information related to regional agricultural characteristics to enhance the capacity for climate change mitigation and adaptation in sub-projects under FIL loans. Screen the sub-loans to ensure compliance with the Paris Agreement and provide training to EA and IAs on Paris Agreement consistency.
(vi) Assess the sub-projects and recommend utilization of low carbon technologies, based on agribusiness and value chains based on life cycle approach;
( vii )Assist FIs to conduct quantitative analysis on CO2 emissions reduction of sub-projects during the sub-project screening and implementation;
(viii) Assist FIs to check climate change is considered in the sub-project designs and EIA;
INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission.
( ix )Prepare the environmental section of the project's semi-annual progress reports;
(x) Provide support for preparing the inception report, progress reports, midterm review report, draft PCR, and final PCR;
(xi) Undertake any other necessary tasks assigned by the Team Leader, PMO and FIs.
11. Resettlement, Social Development, Ethnic Minority and Gender Specialist(National, 18 person-months)
The specialist should preferably hold a master's degree or above in social sciences or a related field, with a senior professional title or equivalent qualification and preferably 5 years of experience. Additionally, the specialist should have participated in the training organized by ADB or World Bank on indigenous peoples, social development, gender development, and resettlement. The specialist should have preferably 10 years of professional experience in resettlement, development of ethnic minorities, social development, and gender-related issues. Priority will be given to those with experience in the safeguards consulting services in the ADB or World Bank financed projects. The specialist with a profound understanding of social development planning in Guangxi, relevant policies in different places of Guangxi, and the challenges faced therein shall be preferred. Priority will be given to the specialist with local practice and experience in relevant fields. The specialist shall be familiar with ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) and relevant gender policy and requirements. The specialist shall have excellent written skill in English and Chinese. The specialist shall perform but not limited to the following major tasks:
(i) Assist the PMO and FIs in updating and implementing the EMDP and RP, if applicable;
(ii) Assist the PMO and FIs in implementing and monitoring the ESMS, DDR follow-up actions, RP, GAP, SDAP, etc., and coordinate with all the stakeholders for successful implementation of these plans.
(iii) Assist the PMO in reviewing the external resettlement and social development M&E reports prepared by the external resettlement and social development monitoring agencies, review ADB’s comments on these reports; monitor compliance with the ESMS, RP, GAP and SDAP.
(iv) Assess the degree of impacts and key implementation issues, explain these key issues to the PMO and FIs, and assist them in conducting follow-up actions to address the key issues;
(v) Prepare the social development section of the semi-annual progress reports of the Project.
( vi ) Provide support for preparing the inception report, annual reports, midterm review report, draft PCR, and final PCR;
(vii) Undertake any other necessary tasks assigned by the Team Leader, PMO and FIs.
12. Performance Evaluation Specialist (National, 18 person-months)
The specialist should preferably hold a master's degree or above in management, social sciences, statistics, or a related field, with a senior professional title or equivalent qualification and preferably 5 years of experience. The specialist should expertise in performance evaluation, data analysis, quantitative and qualitative research methods, and be familiar with various performance evaluation methodology and tools. The specialist should have preferably 10 years of experience in the field of performance evaluation, including experience in performance evaluation of IFI’s financed projects. The specialist should have good familiarity with the requirements and procedures of performance evaluation for IFI’s financed projects. The specialist with a profound understanding of social development planning in Guangxi, relevant policies in different places of Guangxi, and the challenges faced therein shall be preferred. Priority will be given to the specialist with local practice and experience in relevant fields. The specialist should have excellent
INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission.
written and oral skill in English and Chinese. The specialist shall perform but not limited to the following major tasks:
(i) Assist or organize the setup of the project management system and the PPMS, develop detailed PPMS frameworks and implementation plans, covering the overall monitoring system, refinement of indicators and goals, monitoring data sources, and reporting systems etc.
(ii) Update PPMS indicators based on project design, monitoring frameworks and the project progress, collect, analyze and report the relevant data related performance evaluation, and compile annual monitoring reports for the PPMS;
(iii) Conduct baseline surveys or verify baseline data at the beginning of project implementation and provide technical support for the inception report on project performance management.
(iv) Provide technical support for progress reports, project mid-term review report, PCR, and other reports required by the Project in terms of project performance management.
( v) Conduct capacity-building training, provide training on PPMS, monitoring principles and procedures according to the requirement of ADB;
(vi) Assist and support IAs in carrying out the project performance supervision in accordance with policies and requirements of auditing and supervision in China.
(vii) Undertake any other necessary tasks assigned by the Team Leader and the PMO.
C. National specialist (Non-key Experts)
1. Project assistant (National, 74 person-months)
The project assistant should preferably hold a master's degree or above in project management, business administration, administrative management, foreign languages, or a related field, and have preferably 5 years of work experience. Priority will be given to those with experience in preparing, managing, and implementing projects financed by ADB or the World Bank. Proficiency in both written and spoken Chinese and English is required.
The main tasks include but are not limited to:
(i) Assist the Team Leader and Deputy Team Leader in coordinating the daily operations of the consulting firm's consultants, providing logistical support, and ensuring tasks are executed according to plan.
(ii) Organize and coordinate various seminars, training sessions, and field visits related to the project, ensuring that all activities are carried out as planned.
(iii) Be responsible for collecting and organizing the data from field visits, managing the contracts, reports, meeting records, and other relevant documents related to the project, ensuring accessibility and confidentiality of information.
(iv) Track meeting agendas and record meeting minutes to ensure the efficiency of meetings.
(v) Assist the specialist team in identifying problems and challenges encountered in the project and provide support and coordination.
(vi) Proficient in using various office software, and timely processing of project documents and files according to procedures.
(vii) Assist in handling project-related telephone calls, emails and correspondence, and maintain communications with all relevant parties.
(viii) Provide any other required assistance and support to the Team Leader, Deputy Team Leader and all team member specialists.
(ix) Undertake any other duties assigned by the Team Leader and Deputy Team Leader.
2. Translator / Interpreter(National, 24 person-months)
The translator / Interpreter should preferably have a master's degree or above in English translation, English linguistics or applied linguistics, along with a TEM8 certificate in English proficiency. The translator / interpreter should possess preferably 10 years of work experience, with preference given to those with translation experience in ADB or
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World Bank financed projects. Excellent proficiency in both written and spoken Chinese and English is essential. Specific requirements and main tasks include:
(i) Possess excellent skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating between Chinese and English, ensuring accurate translation from Chinese to English and vice versa.
(ii) Familiar with various translation skills for Chinese and English texts, proficient in the grammar, spelling, and culture of the target language, understanding the cultural norms and habits of the target language to prevent cultural conflicts or misunderstandings, ensuring the accuracy, fluency, and professionalism of the translation.
(iii) Familiar with the procedures, technical terms and relevant expertise of IFI financed projects, adept at handling various document formats such as Word, PDF, Excel, etc.
(iv) Have excellent time management skills, being capable of completing translation tasks according to tight schedules.
(v) Responsible for interpretation, document translation, technical translation, and other tasks related to project implementation.
(vi) Undertake any other duties assigned by the Team Leader and Deputy Team Leader.
VII. Reporting requirements
(I) Deliverables
During the project implementation period, the deliverables to be submitted by the consulting firm shall include but not limited to:
Sl.DeliverablesSubmission Time
1Inception Report1 month after site mobilization
2Project management procedure3 months after site mobilization
3Capacity building and training plan3 months after site mobilization
4Semi-annual progress reportBefore July 15 each year
5Annual consolidated progress reportBefore January 15 each year
6ESMS monitoring report (semi-annual)Before July 15 and January 15 each year
7Annual project financial statementBefore March 30 each year
8PPMS reportBefore January 15 each year
9Project mid-term review reportBefore mid-term review mission
10Project Completion Report (draft)6 months prior to project completion
11Project Completion ReportWithin 6 months after project physical completion
12Special reports required by PMOAs needed

(II) Reporting requirements
1."Inception Report" will delineate the approach of the consulting services, encompassing project overview, latest progress, implementation methodologies, and approaches to project management, along with the work plan.
2. "Project Management Procedure" will provide an overview of the internal management system within PMO, covering the contents of management, procurement, financial management and other tasks during the project implementation.
3. "Semi-Annual Progress Report" will include contents of environmental monitoring, land use rights transfer monitoring and RP monitoring, EMDP monitoring, SDAP and GAP monitoring, project management implementation, procurement progress, training records, issues and solutions, etc.
4. "Annual Consolidated Progress Report” will include contents of environmental monitoring, land use rights transfer monitoring and RP monitoring, EMDP monitoring, SDAP and GAP monitoring, project management implementation, procurement progress, training records, etc. Additionally, the report will also cover the progress measured by
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indicator fulfillment, key issues and resolution measures during implementation, updated procurement plans, and updated implementation plans for the next 12 months.
5. "Semi-annual ESMS Monitoring Report” will include the contents of the assessment of ESMS compliance and implementation progress etc.
6. “Project Financial Statements” will be prepared in accordance with the accounting laws and regulations of China, as well as the corresponding international accounting principles and conventions.
7. "Project Performance Monitoring Report" will analyze and evaluate the completion status of performance indicators and provide professional recommendations on project management. The annual PPMS report at project completion shall be completed within 6 months after project physical completion.
8. "Project Completion Report" will introduce the activities conducted by the PMO, FIs, consulting services and sub-borrowers, as well as the outputs of consulting services and sub-projects, encountered issues, and recommendations for improving project management.
9. The reports shall be written in both English and Chinese and submitted to ADB and PMO for review. Each report should provide one soft copy and two hard copies, submitted separately to ADB (in English) and PMO (in both English and Chinese).
VIII. Other requirements on consulting firm
(I) The consulting firm should have extensive experience in providing consulting services and implementation support for similar projects implemented in China. The consulting firms participating bidding are encouraged to provide suggestions for better project implementation in their technical proposals. The cost implications of these suggestions should be clearly outlined in the financial proposals, and the proposed suggestions will be addressed during the contract negotiation.
(II) Any expenses incurred by the consulting firm during the provision of consulting services, including but not limited to third-party service fees, expenses for purchasing or acquiring data and information related to project implementation, and fees costs for non-key specialist services, shall be included in the financial proposal.
IX. Collaboration provided by the Client.
(I) Designate liaison staff to collaborate with the consulting firm.
(II) Provide necessary coordination for the consulting firm to carry out its services. (III) Assist in processing work-related visas for consulting specialists if necessary.
INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission.