剑鱼标讯 > 招标项目 > 宛山湖生态科技城中心片区建筑概念及城市空间设计项目招标公告


项目名称 省份
业主单位 业主类型
总投资 建设年限
审批机关 审批事项
审批代码 批准文号
审批时间 审批结果

本宛山湖生态科技城中心片区建筑概念及城市空间设计项目已由项目审批/核准 /备案机关批准,项目资金来源为国有资金0万元;私有资金0万元;境外资金0 万元;自筹资金1100万元;外国政府及企业投资0万元;其他资金0,招标人为 无锡宛山湖城市发展集团有限公司。本项目已具备招标条件,现招标方式为公 开招标。
规模:目标地块为新城核心区域最具城市标志性的12个集中地块,总用地 面积23.8万平方米,总计容面积80.2万平方米,具有较高的开发密度和强度,也兼顾“引湖入城”的生态资源和“产城融合”的多维连接.
(001)宛山湖生态科技城中心片区建筑概念及城市空间设计项目; 三、投标人资格要求
(001宛山湖生态科技城中心片区建筑概念及城市空间设计项目)的投标人资格能 力要求:1.报名单位须为“国际设计单位”与“国内甲级设计单位”的联合体,并由国际设计单位主持方案创作。选派的首席设计师必须为联合体的国际设 计单位的首席建筑师/全球合伙人,该设计师必须直接主持全过程设计,并亲自(或在线)参加评审会进行方案汇报;
2.1获得重要的国际顶级奖项,比如普利兹克建筑奖,阿卡汉建筑奖,美国AIA 奖,英国RIBA奖,世界建筑节WAF奖,ARCASIA亚洲奖,CTBUH全球奖等等;2.2世界排名领先,例如ENR排名前30,WA排名前30的设计单位。
要期刊指美国Architectural Record,英国Architectural Review, 日本A+U, 西班牙El-Croquis,意大利domus及同级别学术期刊;
2.4在全球重要城市建成的地标作品不少于3个。全球重要城市包括伦敦,纽约,巴黎,东京,新加坡,柏林,迪拜,北京,上海,深圳,香港以及同等影响 力的城市;
3.3至少5座不低于120米高度的高层建筑施工图业绩。; 本项目允许联合体投标。
获取时间:从2023年01月19日 09时00分到2023年02月18日 17时00分 获取方式:现场获取
递交截止时间:2023年05月18日 09时30分
开标时间:2023年05月18日 09时30分
本招标项目宛山湖生态科技城中心片区建筑概念及城市空间设计项目,项目业 主为无锡宛山湖城市发展集团有限公司,建设资金来自自筹。项目已具备招标 条件,现对该项目的宛山湖生态科技城中心片区建筑概念及城市空间设计项目 进行公开招标,特邀请有兴趣的潜在投标人参加投标。
2.1.3 服务周期:90日历天。
2.1.4其他:目标地块为新城核心区域最具城市标志性的12个集中地块,总用地 面积23.9万平方米,总计容面积80万平方米,具有较高的开发密度和强度,也 兼顾“引湖入城”的生态资源和“产城融合”的多维连接.
2.2招标范围:本次征集宛山湖生态科技城中心区(以下简称本项目)的建筑形 态和城市空间的概念设计方案。
3.1报名单位须为“国际设计单位”与“国内甲级设计单位”的联合体,并由国 际设计单位主持方案创作。选派的首席设计师必须为联合体的国际设计单位的 首席建筑师/全球合伙人,该设计师必须直接主持全过程设计,并亲自(或在线)参加评审会进行方案汇报;
3.2.1获得重要的国际顶级奖项,比如普利兹克建筑奖,阿卡汉建筑奖,美国AI A奖,英国RIBA奖,世界建筑节WAF奖,ARCASIA亚洲奖,CTBUH全球奖等等;3.2.2世界排名领先,例如ENR排名前30,WA排名前30的设计单位。
3.2.3近五年来,在重要的国际建筑学术期刊发表过原创建成作品不少于3次,重要期刊指美国Architectural Record,英国Architectural Review, 日本A+U, 西班牙El-Croquis,意大利domus及同级别学术期刊;
3.2.4在全球重要城市建成的地标作品不少于3个。全球重要城市包括伦敦,纽 约,巴黎,东京,新加坡,柏林,迪拜,北京,上海,深圳,香港以及同等影 响力的城市;
5.1 投标截止时间为:2023年05月18日9 时 30分。
5.2 逾期送达的投标文件,招标人不予受理。
招 标 人:无锡宛山湖城市发展集团有限公司 地 址:无锡市锡山区友谊南路88号
联 系 人:陈先生
电 话:15370229789
地 址:
联 系 人:
电 话:
招标人或其招标代理机构主要负责人(项目负责人) 签名)
Wanshan Lake Eco tech City
Architectural & Urban Space of
Wanshan Lake Eco-tech City, Central Area
International Design Competition
主办单位 Organizer
Government of Xishan District, Wuxi City
承办单位 Executive Organizer
Xishan Economic & Technological Development Zone Management Committee 无锡宛山湖城市发展集团有限公司
Wuxi Wanshan-Lake Urban Development Group Co.Ltd
协办单位 Co-Organizer
Xishan Branch of Wuxi Municipal Natural Resources and Planning Bureau
日期 Date
目录 Contents
1,项目概况 Project Profile
1.1 城市发展背景 Urban Background
1.2 项目开发愿景 Development Vision
1.3 场地设计范围 Site Scope
2,设计任务 Design Task
2.1 基地周边现状 Site Condition
2.2 设计理念指引 Guiding Concept
2.3 规划指标解析 Planning Index
2.4 功能相关提示 Related Functions
3,征集须知 Instructions
3.1 征集整体规则 Competition Rules
3.2 参赛单位要求 Application Requirements
3.3 征集日程安排 Schedule
3.4 设计费用 Design Fees
3.5 资格预审递交成果 Prequalification Submissions
3.6 征集评审递交成果 Final Submissions
3.7 深化工作成果 Deepen Delivery
3.8 版权共识 Copyright and Legal Issues
4,重要附件 Appendix
4.1 设计依据文件 Design Basis-Files List
4.2 重要图表摘录 More Figures & Pictures
4.2 入围确认函 Participation Confirmation
本次国际征集以宛山湖生态科技城中心片 区(以下简称本项目)的建筑形态和城市 空间的概念设计方案为主要工作内容,旨 在为该片区打造具有国际领先水准的城市 风貌及建筑集群形象。本文件作为此次活 动的征集文件和工作手册。
构筑无锡东部科创门户枢纽,引领无锡融 入长三角一体化,彻底打开整个无锡东部 的城市格局,对沪宁经济主线的城市发展 具有重大意义。
1.1 Urban Background
1993年获批省级开发区,2011年晋升国家 级经济技术开发区,成为无锡市首个国家 级经济技术开发区。在2020年度江苏省11 9家经济开发区科学发展综合考核评价中,锡山开发区位列第8位。开发区目前拥有各 类企业4500多家,其中外资企业1060多家,支柱产业包括电子信息和集成电路、精 密机械、汽车零部件、现代服务业等。
宛山湖生态科技城坐落于锡山经济技术开 发区东部的宛山湖生态片区,总面积 45 平方公里,可建设面积 27
平方公里,位于锡山东部的宛山湖,是无 锡市区现有面积最大、最完整的增量建设 空间。2018年,长三角区域一体化发展上 升为国家战略。作为世界级城市群交通节 点的无锡,城市发展和居民生活都获得了 更多发展可能。无锡以宛山湖生态科技城 为创新战略节点,联动锡东新城商务区,
Wanshan Lake Eco-tech City Central Area"( brief as “the project”)aims to work on architectural concept design and urban scene scape design of the heart area of Wanshan Lake Eco-tech City in the eastern part of Wuxi city. This project is planned to be built as
advanced architectural aesthetics and active urban features. The document is the official booklet of
international competition.
Xishan Economic & Technological Development Zone (XETDZ)
Starting construction in 1992, XETDZ was approved as a provincial development zone in 1993, and promoted to a national economic and technological development zone in 2011, becoming the first national economic and technological development zone in Wuxi. XETDZ
ranked 8th in the comprehensive assessment of
scientific development among 119 economic
development zones in Jiangsu province in 2020. At present, there are more than 4,500 enterprises of all kinds in the zone, including more than 1,060 foreign-funded enterprises. The pillar industries include
electronic information and integrated circuits, precision machinery, auto parts, and modern service industry.
Wanshan Lake Eco-tech City
Wuxi Wanshan Lake Eco-tech City is located in the Wanshan Lake Ecological Zone in the east of East Wuxi New City, with a total area of 45 square kilometers and a buildable area of 27 square kilometers. Wanshan Lake in the east of Xishan is the largest and most
complete incremental construction space in Wuxi. In 2018, the integrated development in the Yangtze River Delta region was elevated as a national strategy. As a traffic node of a world-class city cluster, Wuxi has
gained more possibilities for urban development and
residents' life. By linking Wanshan Lake Eco-tech City, a
strategic innovation node, to East Wuxi High-speed Rail
New Town, Wuxi will build a sci-tech innovation hub in
its eastern part, integrate itself into the Yangtze River
Delta region, and fully open up the urban pattern in its
eastern part, which is of great significance to the urban
development along the Shanghai-Nanjing economic
1.2项目开发愿景 公顷湖面和 23
本项目位于无锡城市发展的重要战略区域“宛山湖生态科技城”的中心片区,是同 时具备稀缺生态资源和创新驱动内核的未 来都市中心。
本文件相关的三个规划层级概念 宛山湖生态科技城 = 45
宛山湖生态科技城核心区 = 2.5
连相通,水清岸绿可亲可近。历史上的宛 山湖,是无锡往来常熟、上海的必经水域。如今,这里不仅是沪宁产业创新带和太 湖湾科创带交汇的战略支点,还是提升城 市创新发展能级、引领无锡东向融入长三 角区域一体化的重要战略空间。
km2城市区域 1.2 Development Vision
项目)= 0.45 km2
宛山湖生态科技城核心区(含中心片区)定位为一个引领中国低碳实践的绿色都心、一个面向未来的科创中枢、一个吸引国 际人才的生活之城。它将嵌入低碳、智慧、生态、活力等理念,以创新的都市混合 街区、高效的交通组织、韧性多元的生态 格局为开发目标,用新时代的建筑视觉识 别度,探索中国当代建筑审美的领先话语 权。核心区的建成将促进多元文化的碰撞 与交融,串联生态廊道和周边各功能片区,构建湖城共生的有机体系,树立具有国 际一流水准的生态科技城范例,打造一个 兼具生态魅力和科创活力的“创新蓝湾”。
追溯历史,宛山湖形成于魏晋时期,距今 已有两千年历史。这里坐拥 217
This project is located in the Central Area of Wanshan Lake Eco-tech City Core, where is strategic significance among Wuxi urban development. It is a future urban center with both scarce ecological resources and
innovation-driven core.
There are three planning concepts related in this document as below:
Wanshan Lake Eco-tech City = 45 km2 urban
development area
Wanshan Lake Eco-tech City Core = 2.5 km2Urban area Wanshan Lake Eco-tech City Central Area = 0.45 km2 landmark building cluster and urban space scene
Wanshan Lake Eco-tech City Core (including
Central Area) is a forward-looking positioning: a green city that leads China's low-carbon practices, a future-oriented sci-tech innovation center, and a livable city that gathers international talents. With the concepts of low carbon, intelligence, ecology and vitality, this project will explore the leading architectural aesthetics in the future urban central area of the Yangtze River Delta with a world-leading architectural vision, with the goal of developing innovative urban mixed blocks, efficient public transport and resilient, diversified ecological
patterns. Upon completion, the urban central area will help attract international talents, promote the collision and integration of diverse cultures, connect the
ecological corridor and the surrounding functional areas, create an organic system of lake-city symbiosis,
establish a world-class model ecological eco-tech city,
and build an "innovative blue bay" that combines
ecological charm with the vitality of sci-tech innovation.
Tracing back to history, formed in the Wei and Jin
Dynasties two thousand years ago, Wanshan Lake, covering 217 hectares with a shoreline of 23 kilometers, brings together the ecological advantages of Taihu Lake Basin, with interconnected river systems and pleasant clear waters and green banks. Historically, Wanshan
Lake used to be the only waterway which must be passed to travel from Wuxi to Changshu and Shanghai.
Today, it is not only a strategic node where Shanghai-Nanjing Industrial Innovation Belt and Taihu Bay
Science and Technology Innovation Belt converge, but also an important strategic space for Xishan to upgrade the level of urban innovation and development and lead Wuxi to integrate into the Yangtze River Delta region.
1.3 Site Scope
本次征集在宛山湖生态科技城战略规划和 核心区城市设计成果基础上,根据规划愿 景、城市功能、空间风貌、用地要求、建 设理念等相关要求,对 12
个城市地块的建筑形态及其周边道路、景 观、滨水空间、地下空间等重要城市空间 场景进行策划设计。整体城市空间面积约4 5公顷,其中建设用地面积约23.9公顷(35 8亩),计容建筑面积约80万平方米。
各地块位置和指标一览表 List of Plot Location & Indicators
The international competition is based on the urban strategic planning and urban design of Wanshan Lake Eco-tech City Core. The design object includes
comprises a total of 12 urban plots and their urban space in-between, such as traffic, landscape,
waterfront, underground and more. The total land area is about 45 hectares, including 23.9 hectares (358 mu) of constructional area, and the total building area with floor area ratio (FAR) calculated is about 800,000 square meters.
地块 序号 Plot No.位置 Location定位/ Positioning用地面积 Plot Area (m2)容积率 Plot Ratio Control计容建筑面积 Building Area (m2)
01大成路北 North of Dacheng Road 长吉路西 West of Changji Road大成河北 North of Dacheng River高端住区 High-end residential area45,9152.5114,787.5
02大成河南 South of Dacheng River科创用地 R&D 12,1553.542542.5
03大成路北 North of Dacheng Road 长吉路东 East of Changji Road大成河北 North of Dacheng River公共文化设施 Culture building3,48913,489
04大成河南 South of Dacheng River科研办公及配套12,403337,209
05大成路南 South of Dacheng Road 厚仁路以北 North of Houren Road北临大成路 Along Dacheng Road产业载体西北1 Northwest industry carrier 119,9102.549,775
06产业载体东北2 Northeast industry carrier 219,9102.549,775
07南临厚仁路 Along Houren Road产业载体西南3 Southwest Industry carrier 321,9642.554,910
08产业载体东南4 Southeast industry carrier 422,2042.555,510
09大成路南 South of Dacheng Road 厚仁路以北 North of Houren Road长吉路西 West of Changji Road产业载体北 North industry carrier23,0475115,235
10产业载体南 South industry carrier26,1794.5117,805.5
11长吉路东 East of Changji Road高层办公 High-rise building11,8524.553,334


2.1 基地周边现状
十年来,无锡市一直将宛山湖其作为城市 战略预留区域,以充足的耐心为宛山湖的 未来预留了无限可能,并前瞻性地启动土 地整理、道路建设、景观塑造、环境提升 等基础工作,使这里成为无锡市区现有面 积最大、最完整的增量建设空间。2016 年,宛山湖被评为省级湿地公园;2018 年启动锡山迄今为止最大的水生态环境修 复工程;2020
年开展了中心区景观方案设计,为实现“有 风景的地方就有创新”做足准备。十年间,
2.1 Site Condition
Over the past ten years, Wuxi has always regarded Wanshan Lake as a strategic reserve for the city,
reserved infinite possibilities for the future of Wanshan Lake with sufficient patience, and started basic work such as land consolidation, road construction,
landscape design and environmental improvement in a forward-looking manner, making it the largest and most complete incremental construction space in Wuxi's urban area. In 2016, Wanshan Lake was rated as a provincial wetland park. In 2018, the largest water eco-environmental restoration project in Xishan was
launched so far. In 2020, the deepening of the
landscape design proposal for the central area was carried out, so as to make full preparations for the
realization of "scenery with innovation". In the past ten years, about 15,000 mu (1,000 hectares) of usable land has been vacated, and 69 kilometers of roads have been built, achieving access to information, market, rules & regulations, supporting facilities, logistics,
capital, talent, technology and services and one new
economic platform.
腾退出可建设用地约 1.5
万亩,新建设道路 69
本项目距离无锡东站仅5公里车程,基地周 边的城市主干道路已建设就绪,包括大成 路、厚仁路、联福路、厚丰路等。基地西 侧的一些工业园区将在下一轮城市更新中 得以升级重塑,基地西北侧有万科四季都 会等现代社区,基地东侧为临近宛山湖的 生态区域,以及锡东科技展示馆、未来产 业研发社区等。基地场地内部无待动迁的 大型建筑物集群,无影响城市环保和生态 条件的生产设施,无历史文化保护建筑或 重要文化遗址。
The site of this project is only 5 km distance near Wuxi East Station. The main roads of urban transportation is ready, such as Dacheng road, Houren road, Lianfu road, Houfeng road. The traffic system is still
undergoing to weave out every construction plots. The west side industry parks will be re-purposed as urban area in the next round of urban renewal.. The north side is residential development such as Vanke Garden and more. The east side is near Wanshan Lake, the
ecological natural surroundings and Xidong Tech-
Exhibition Pavilion. There is no removing buildings or pollution facilities or historical heritage inside the project site.
、市民生活。在建筑设计中,需要巧妙满 足在适宜的成本条件下,尽可能利用绿色
激活科创动能,承载高效能的产业集群 建筑技术实现高舒适度的空间体验;在城
科技创新是城市活力的激发器。本项目的 大部分建筑和城市空间,力求聚焦科技服 务、科创载体及相关产业配套设施,实现 产业聚合引导作用。设计中应强调科创、产业、办公功能与城市配套空间的共生开 发,促进创意交流,打造面向未来创新产 业人群的都市高地。
市空间场景设计中,尽可能创造健康绿色 的运营条件,实现与自然环境紧密和谐的 城市发展方式。
3) 践行绿色低碳,打造可持续的城市样板
2.2 Guiding Concept
1) Vitalizing sci-tech innovation through a high
efficiency cluster of complex development
Sci-tech innovation is the exciter of the urban vitality. In
project development and design, bold innovation should
be made on the basis of existing conditions, focusing on
sci-tech services, sci-tech innovation carriers and
cultural and creative sports, etc., so as to realize pre-
planning of industrial guidance and urban investment.
The design should emphasize the comprehensive
development of offices and supporting facilities and
promotion of creative exchange, creating an urban
highland for the future innovation industry.
2) Realizing lake-city symbiosis to explore the
landscape scenes capes
In this scheme, special attention should be paid to the
relationship with Wanshan Lake Ecological Wetland,
adhering to the ecological and sustainable design
concept, and creating the penetration of landscape
nodes at multiple levels, so that there will be many
public places in the core area for citizens to have rest. In
the design, it's necessary to make use of the
environmental advantages around the plot, and carry
out pervasive interactive design between natural
landscape and artificial environment to form a modern
urban scene where lakes and cities coexist. In the
design, special attention should be paid to the
design and creation of two urban scenes with
"Innovation Highline" and "Smart Harbor".
3) Fully practicing sustainable buildings towards
low-carbon urban conservation
In the context of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality,
in this scheme, the smart low carbon concept can be
embedded in the construction, landscape and operation,
so as to create a new generation of green building
clusters in combination with existing resources.
Intensive design techniques should be practiced in
project development to improve the efficiency of space
use. In architectural design, it is necessary to skillfully
meet the appropriate cost of high-end space, make use
of natural ventilation and lighting as well as other
healthy and energy-efficient design techniques as much
as possible, and make innovations in surface, material
selection, structural style, intelligent building and other
links to create conditions for the subsequent green
urban operation.
2.2 Guiding Concept
4) Create forward-looking architectural form to 4) shape contemporary urban landmarks
打磨建筑形态,塑造新时代的都市 In order to reflect on the architectural appearance of
urbanization in China, in this scheme, it's necessary to 地标 fully study and think about the specific architectural form
出于对中国城市化现阶段建筑面貌的反思,本案应充分研究和思考生态型都市集群 空间的具体建筑形态范式,提出新一代都 市中心区的建筑面貌愿景。建筑集群应对 既有的城市设计进行空间验证和积极反馈,突出高层建筑和滨水建筑的地标引力作 用,重视近地界面的空间体验,形成收放 有致的公共空间和节奏清晰、特色鲜明的 新城市肌理,彰显对未来城市生活的感应
and pattern of ecological urban spaces of clusters, and put forward the architectural appearance of a new generation of urban core area. For building clusters, it's necessary to carry out spatial verification and positive feedback on existing urban design,
highlight the landmark attraction of high-rise and waterfront buildings, attach importance to the spatial experience of near-surface interface, form a retractable public space and a new urban texture with clear rhythm and distinctive features, and demonstrate the induction and guidance for future urban life.
5) Guiding public sharing space and shaping 24-hour vibrant blocks
Design should pay enough attention on street interface, public building, urban space with people-scale, to form
an open, ordered, 24 hour active, three-dimensional 和引领。urban mixed blocks. Facing the important public traffic hinge and the Innovative High-line, the Thinking Harbor, and many positions as gray space in urban area, the 5) design of this project should improve the accessibility
and connection of multi-building groups in different blocks and express the interaction in-between
街区。architecture and public transportation with citizen consciousness.
本项目用地功能为包括科研办公、商业服 务、行政服务、居住社区等功能。其中可
01:A-06-01地块(高端居住): 11:B-03-
地块面积45915㎡,容积率2.5,建筑面积 114787.5㎡,建筑高度≤80m
2.3 Planning Index
The land use function of this project is the core area of Wanshan Lake Eco-tech City, which has the functions of scientific research office, green leisure and commercial services. The planning index data for reference are: (The lot number corresponds to the table in section 1.3 of this document)
01: Plot A-06-01 (high-end residential area):
The plot area is 45,915 ㎡, the floor area ratio is 2.5, the
building area is 114,787.5 ㎡, and the building height is
≤ 80 m
02: Plot C-13-01: the plot area is 12,155 ㎡, the floor
area ratio is 3.5, the building area is 42,542.5 ㎡, and
the building height is ≤ 50 m
03: Plot A-10-01: the plot area is 3,489 ㎡, the floor area
ratio is 1.0, the building area is 3,489 ㎡, and the
building height is ≤ 24m
04: B-01-01 plot: the plot area is 12,403 ㎡, the floor
area ratio is 3.0, the building area is 37,209 ㎡, and the
building height is ≤ 50 m
05: Plot C-01-01: the plot area is 19,910 ㎡, the floor
area ratio is 2.5, the building area is 49,775 ㎡, and the
building height is ≤ 50 m
06: Plot C-02-01: the plot area is 19,910 ㎡, the floor area ratio is 2.5, the building area is 49,775 ㎡, and the building height is ≤ 50 m
07: Plot C-04-01: the plot area is 21,964 ㎡, the floor area ratio is 2.5, the building area is 54,910 ㎡, and the building height is ≤ 60 m
08: Plot C-05-01: the plot area is 22,204 ㎡, the floor area ratio is 2.5, the building area is 55,510 ㎡, and the building height is ≤ 60 m
09: Plot C-03-01: the plot area is 23,047 ㎡, the floor area ratio is 5.0, the building area is 115,235 ㎡, and the building height is ≤ 80 m
10: Plot C-06-01: the plot area is 26,179 ㎡, the floor area ratio is 4.5, the building area is 117,805.5 ㎡, and the building height is ≤ 100m
11: Plot B-03-01: the plot area is 11,852 ㎡, the floor area ratio is 4.5, the building area is 53,334 ㎡, and the building height is ≤ 100m
12: Plot C-07-01: the plot area is 19,628 ㎡, the floor area ratio is 5.5, the building area is 107,954 ㎡, and the building height is ≤ 150m
12:C-07-01地块:TOD型商业办公街区 2.4 Related Functions
01: Plot A-06-01: Independent residential community
02: Plot C-13-01: Mixed commercial and residential 03:A-10-block
01地块:未来导向的公共文化设施用地 04:B-01-01地块:科研办公及配套用地 05:C-01-01地块:科研办公产业用地 (该地块须突出低碳节能和绿色建筑主题) 06:C-02-01地块:科研办公产业用地 (该地块须突出低碳节能和绿色建筑主题)
03: Plot A-10-01: Future-oriented public cultural facilities
04: Block B-01-01: Public buildings oriented by administrative office
05: Plot C-01-01: Land for scientific research and office industry
(this plot should focus on sustainable and green
building topic)
06: Plot C-02-01: Land for scientific research and office industry
(this plot should focus on sustainable and green
building topic)
07:C-04-07: Plot C-04-01: Land for scientific research and office
and talent apartment, commercial space
08: Plot C-05-01: Land for scientific research and office
08:C-05-and talent apartment, commercial space
01地块:科研办公/人才公寓/商业用地 09:C-03-01地块:产业混合街区
10:C-06-01地块:TOD型商业办公街区 11:B-03-01地块:行政办公用地
09: Plot C-03-01: Industrial mixed block
10: Plot C-06-01: TOD commercial office block
11: Main building of administrative office in new
district(this plot also may include public exhibition and conference functions)
12: Plot C-07-01: TOD commercial office block
03 征集须知 Instructions

1),主办方对本项目进行公开征集。在报 名结束后,在报名结束后,通过资格预审 确定不少于 5
2),提交有效成果文件的入围单位均将获 得设计成本费。通过专家评审及业主认定,选定综合方案水准最优的联合体单位,承担项目下阶段的方案深化和相关工作统
3.1 Competition Rules
1) The Organizer will call for registration through publicity, and select no less than 5 shortlists at the prequalification meeting after registration. The official basis for all the competitors is the
Participation Confirmation with a sealed reply.
2) The shortlists submitting valid deliverables will be awarded the design cost. The design firm that ranks final comprehensive optimal in expert
appraisal and confirmed by the planning bureau and the owner shall act to deepen the conceptual design and coordinate related work.
3) An official appraisal meeting will be held for the conceptual design by a jury organized by the Organizer, composed of academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, international
筹。and domestic experts, well-known scholars,
important representatives of the owner.
3),方案将举行正式的评审会议,由主办 方组织高规格的评委会进行评选,专家评 委将包括中国工程院院士、国际专家、国 内大师、知名学者、重要的业主代表等。
4)征集主办方具备本次活动的最终解释权。本文件中英文理解偏差或不一致处,以 中文为准。
4) The Organizer reserves all the rights for the final decisions. In case of any discrepancy or inconsistency between Chinese and English
versions of this document, the Chinese version shall prevail.
Mr. Ai, 登录即可免费查看 (leading consultant)
Mr. Chen, 15370229789 (owner's representative)
Record,英国Architectural Review, 日本A+U, 西班牙El-
Croquis, 意大利domus及同级别学术期刊;
3.2 Application Requirements
This project intends to invite world-class design firms
with industry-leading expertise in such fields as urban
landmark buildings, urban center architecture and
waterfront, eco-cities, mixed blocks And the project wil
form a consortium with domestic Grade A design units.
Conditions for brands:A competitor shall be a
union of an international design brand and a Class-
A local design institute. The chief designer sent by
the participant shall be the principal architect of the
international design firm in the union. The chief
designer shall directly preside over the whole design
process and participate in the conceptual design for the
appraisal meeting.
to meet the demand for an innovative conceptual design
and implementation capabilities once winning the bid.
International design brand should meet at least 3
conditions as below
+Winning important top international awards such as the
Pritzker Architecture Prize, the Aga Khan Award for
Architecture, the AIA award, the RIBA award, the WAF
award, the ARCASIA Awards for Architecture, the
CTBUH Awards, etc.;
+Leaders in global rankings, such as ENR Top 30, WA
Top 30 design firm;
+ published at least 3 original completed works in
important international architecture magazines or
academic media in the past five years, including
Architectural Record, Architectural Review, A+U, El-
Croquis, domus etc;
+No less than 3 landmark works in important cities
around the world. Major global cities include London,
New York, Paris, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore, Berlin,
Dubai, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Beijing and other cities of
equal influence.
+No less than 3 high-rise building design with more than
200m height in world scope.
The local design institute should meet the
conditions below:
+Annual income no less than 300 million RMB
+ Employees no less than 300 with multi-specialty
+ No less than 5 high rise building registered as
construction design firm, each above 120m height
The above information shall be stated in the
prequalification document, as shown in 2.5.
3.3征集日程安排 3.3 Schedule
本次征集报名截止日期:2023-02-18, 17:00.
请所有参赛单位于此日期前将《入围确认 函》扫描件,以及资格预审文件附件,
资格预审会议之后,主办方将以邮件回复《入围确认函》盖章扫描件,并发布入围 公告。
Deadline for registration: 17:00 on February 18, 2023. All participants are required to submit the scanned copies of the Participation Confirmation and the
attached prequalification document to
before the deadline.
After the prequalification meeting, the Organizer will reply with a sealed scanned copy of the Participation Confirmation by email, and send a shortlist
Deadline for the submission of design deliverables: 17:00 on May 18, 2023. All design firms shall submit their design deliverables at one time to the Organizer before the deadline.
The expert appraisal meeting will take place in Wuxi, at a venue to be determined. On the day of the appraisal meeting, the chief architect of a design firm shall
personally present the design proposal. Each firm will
17:00 have no more than 30 minutes to speak and 15 minutes
所有设计机构必须在截止日期前一次性将 设计成果提交主办方。
for the judges to ask questions.
Schedule of International Design Competition
时间节点Check Point日期关键文件Key Document
征集信息发布公告Competition Announcement2023-01-18设计任务书及公告Architectural Design Brief and announcement
报名截止Application Deadline2023-02-18报名文件Application document
征集入围单位公示Shortlist Announcement2023-02-25入围确认函回复Participation Confirmation with a sealed reply
中期沟通Mid-term Communication2023-03-31
征集成果提交Submission of Deliverables2023-05-18成果文件Deliverables

专家评审会议Expert Appraisal Meeting2023-05-20专家评审意见表Expert Appraisal Opinion Form
评审结果发布Result Announcement2023-05-31中选通知书及公告Bid-winning Notice and announcement
深化成果提交Deepen works Deliverable2023-06-30

每个获得入围的设计机构在通过成果递交 确认及方案评审后,均可获得设计费用。
(原则上,主办方将从设计创作和学术角 度、设计方案的可实施性、设计视觉效果 与建造成本的平衡性等多个角度综合选定 一家入围单位负责竞赛方案成果的统筹、整合及深化设计,形成达到报当地规划方 案审批深度要求的方案最终成果,该项工 作将追加签约深化工作费用,12个地块的
3.4 Design Fees
Once its submissions have been confirmed and its conceptual design reviewed, the shortlisted design firms can be granted design costs.
Five prizes and bonuses are proposed for this competition ( RMB ):
Extraordinary Design Award: 3.0 million
Future Style Award: 1.8 million
Impressive Creativity Award: 1.8 million
Masterpiece Entry Award: RMB 1.2 million
(In principle, the finally chosen one or more design unions by organizer through art and academic, realizable and economic, visual effect and
construction cost that will be perfectly balanced.
The chosen design will go deepen working to be integrated and optimized, with signing a contract to obtain an additional deepening cost of no more than RMB 2 million, including all 12 plots totally. The cost includes the deepening and modification of work and conceptual proposals, and the
coordination with the local design institute to
obtain the work nodes of reporting to the provincial and municipal planning commissions.
+与本案对标的重要相关业绩,每个项目一 页,不超过15页
+对本案构思相关的草图和意向分析,不超 过3页
除《入围确认函》单独附件,其他全部资 格预审文件集中在一个 PPT
或PDF文件,总页数建议不超过30页,建 议横版排版,文件大小不宜低于30M,也 不宜大于100M,以确保尽可能高精度且便 于传送。
3.5 PrequalificationSubmissions
Prequalification submissions include:
+cover page and brand profile, no more than 5 pages
+key projects completed relevant to the subject matter, one page for each project and no more than 15 pages
+conceptual description of the project, no more than 500 words
+sketches and intention analysis related to the conceptual design, no more than 3 pages
+participation confirmation, 1 page, with seal attached; and
+other convincing proofs
Besides the Participation Confirmation, all
prequalification submissions shall be made in a PPT or PDF file, with no more than 30 pages, and a horizontal layout. The file size should be no less than 30M and no more than 100M to ensure the highest possible accuracy and ease of transfer.
完整的设计文本(电子版PDF建议不超过1 50页、双面彩色打印,A3打印12册、A4打 印3册,共15册)
清晰的设计概念提炼说明(DOC文件,不 超过1000字,与设计文本内容保持一致)
A0展板3张(竖版,电子版PDF格式,由 主办方统一打印)
设计效果图不少于20张,包括:整体中心 片区日景和夜景鸟瞰,三大城市功能圈(创新高线05-10地块、智慧港湾11-
实体模型至少1个(可以分区或整体呈现,建议底座不超过1.2mX1.2m,建议比例1:5 00,不限材质)
评审汇报PPT文件(建议不超过150M,建 议不超过100页)
3.6 Review Submissions
Review submissions include:
A complete design booklet (PDF with no more than 150 pages, printed in color on both sides, printed in A3 for 12 volumes and printed in A4 for
3 volumes,totally 15 volumes)
A clear description of design philosophy (DOC with not more than 1,000 words, and also included into the design booklet)
Three A0 display boards (vertical layout, PDF, uniformly printed by the Organizer)
No less than 20 renderings including integrated aerial view, street view, facade, urban scene
scape. Especially on the three urban functional circle as Thinking Harbor(Plot 11-12), Innovation Highline(Plot 05-10), and the Urban Living(Plot 01-04)
At least one solid model (with the pedestal not more than 1.2 m X 1.2 m, recommended ratio of 1:500, no material limit, and may be divided into different parts)
A multimedia expression no less than 180
seconds in MP4
(Including the chief architect appearance in the video and necessary Chinese subtitles)
PPT files for presentation at the appraisal meeting (no more than 150M and 100 pages)
将包括:深化总体设计理念,包括用地平衡表、经 济技术指标及配套一览表(文字)A3;2) 深化总平面规划设计图(明确退线、日照 间距、层数等)、鸟瞰图、效果图和其他 重要区域规划平面图;
3) 深化分析图,包括但不限于:功能分区与 建筑形式布局、空间及视线分析、道路与 停车分析、绿化及景观分析、公共服务设
3.7 Deepen Delivery
The chosen design union will be responsible for proposal deepening. Deepen works reporting to the planning commission may include:
1) Deepened overall design concept, including land use balance sheet, economic and technical indicators, and supporting facilities list (text) A3; 2) Deepened general plan design drawing (clarify the setback restriction, sunshine spacing, the
number of layers, etc.), aerial view, renderings and other important regional planning plans;
3) Deepened analysis drawings, including but not limited to: functional zoning and architectural form & layout, space and line of sight analysis, road and parking analysis, greening and landscape analysis, public service facilities layout analysis, regional management mode analysis, sunlight analysis, vertical analysis (including slope and
施布置分析、区域管理模式分析、日照分 aspect), etc.;
析、竖向分析(包括坡度、坡向)等;4) 分地块单体建筑模型;
5) 分地块建筑主要平立剖面图;
6) 分区域深化的动画多媒体表达;
7) 重要区位的景观概念设计图;
8) 重要公共位置的室内设计概念图;
9) 深化阶段的PPT汇报稿(1-2轮);
双方共同协商认定该阶段所需的其他图纸,如BIM模型,绿色可持续分析图,海绵城 市分析图,等等。
11) 动画宣传视频的深化。
4) Individual buildingmodels by plot;
5) Main plan and elevation profiles of buildings by plot;
6) Deepened multimedia expression by region; 7) Landscape conceptual designdrawings for
important locations;
8) Interior conceptual design drawings for
important public locations;
9) PPT draft of the deepening stage (1-2 rounds); 10) Other drawings required for this stage, such as BIM models, green and sustainable analysis
drawings, and sponge city analysis drawings, shall be determined by both parties through
11)More Video about the Deepen Design.
本次征集活动所有设计成果的著作署名权 由设计单位所有,并授权主办方用于此项 目的出版和展示。所有成果文件在评审后 不退还设计机构。主办方有权在方案深化 中合理使用任一投标方案中的创意和积极
3.8 Copyright and Legal Issues
The right of authorship of all design proposals shall be owned only by the design firms, and licensed to the Organizer for publication and
display purposes only. The design results will not be returned to the design firms after appraisal. The Organizer shall be entitled to reasonably utilize the creative and positive elements of any bid in the deepening of the proposal.
要素。The Organizer shall be entitled to publish and exhibit the design results free of charge, introduce and display design results through media, 主办方有权无偿使用设计成果进行出版和 professional magazines, books or other forms.
展览,All design proposals must be originally created by
并通过传媒、专业杂志、专业书刊或其它 形式介绍、展示设计作品及评价设计成果
the concerned participants and shall not cover any material infringing the intellectual property right of any third party. In case of infringement, the
infringing party shall bear all the consequences
。and be disqualified from this competition.
All basic documents provided by the Organizer to
所有应征方案作品内容均应由应征者原创,不得包含任何侵犯第三者知识产权的材 料。如发生侵权行为,将由侵权方承担一 切后果并取消侵权方参加本次征集活动的 资格。
均受版权保护。未得授权,任何人不得将 内容复制、改编、分发、发布、外借、转 让,否则将承担相关法律责任。
participants, including texts, drawings and electronic data, are protected by copyright.
Without authorization, any person shall not
duplicate, adapt, distribute, disclose, lend or
transfer the concerned contents, otherwise, he/she will assume relevant legal liabilities.
04 重要附件 Appendix

4.1 Design Basis
Design Basis: 设计依据文件:
1,国际征集任务书(本文件),pdf格式 2,宛山湖生态科技城规划用地图,dwg格
1. Design Brief for International Competition (PDF) (this Document)
2. Land Use Plan of Wanshan Lake Eco-tech City

3. Urban Design Text (PDF) (CRTKL)
4,宛山湖城市规划图集,jpg格式 5,宛山湖概念规划汇报,ppt格式 6,场地航拍图片包, jpg格式
7,项目宣传视频材料,mp4格式 8,产业规划相关文件。
4. Atlas of Wanshan Lake Urban Planning (JPG) (China Academy of Urban Planning & Design) 5. Wanshan Lake Concept Planning Report (PPT) (China Academy of Urban Planning & Design) 6. Collection of Aerial Pictures of Project Site
7. Project Promotion Video Materials (MP4)
(Management Committee)
8. Documents Related to Industrial Planning (PDF)
4.2 Participation Confirmation
国际设计机构(主创单位) International Design Firm首席建筑师 Chief Architect
名称: Name: 地址: Address:主要团队,姓名/职位,Team,Name/Position
国内联合体成员(甲级设计院) Member of Domestic Union (Grade A Design Institute)项目负责人 Project Manager
名称: Name: 地址: Address:主要团队,姓名/专业,Team,Name/Speciality
对本项目的初步设想或概念说明(200字) Statement of Tentative Idea or Concept of the Project设计联合体盖章: Design Union (Signature and Seal):
入围确认(主办方填写) Shortlist Confirmation (completed by the Organizer) 同意正式入围( ) Approved to entry( ) 未能获得入围() Not Approved to entry( )主办方签名盖章: Organizer (Signature and Seal):

Wanshan Lake Eco tech City
主办单位/Organizer 承办单位/Executive Organizer 协办单位/Co Organizer
无锡市锡山区人民政府 锡山经济技术开发区管理委员会 无锡宛山湖城市发展集团有限公司 无锡市自然资源和规划局锡山分局