剑鱼标讯 > 论证意见项目 > 《杭州临空经济示范区阳城滨江片区(含大堤)实施性城市设计》国际方案征集公告(非政府采购项目)


项目名称 省份
业主单位 业主类型
总投资 建设年限
审批机关 审批事项
审批代码 批准文号
审批时间 审批结果
International Solicitation Announcement for the Implementation-OrientedUrban Design of the Yangcheng Riverside Area (including the Embankment) in the Hangzhou Airport Economic Demonstration Zone
Hosts: Hangzhou Airport Economic Demonstration Zone Management Committee, Hangzhou Linkong Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd.
Technical Guidance: Hangzhou Xiaoshan Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources
Organizer: Hangzhou Exhibition Town Construction Co., Ltd.
Technical Service: Hangzhou Planning and Design Research Institute
Tender Agent: Oubon Engineering Management Group Co., Ltd.
1 项目背景/Project Background
In response to the municipal government's high-level initiative to construct the Hangzhou Airport Economic Demonstration Zone(HAEDZ)and accelerate the development of the Intelligent Manufacturing Corridor in Eastern Hangzhou, we aim to boost the real economy, enhance manufacturing capabilities, and increase industrial competitiveness. The HAEDZ, centered on the objectives of a global hub for digital trade innovation, an international aviation service hub, a national high-tech air industry area, and a national air-exhibition business hub,is embarking on a new chapter of construction. We are nowgloballysoliciting implementation-oriented urban designproposalswithinternationalvision, forward-thinking, and innovativeconceptsfor the Yangcheng Riverside Area within theHAEDZinitiation zone. The goal is to establish the Yangcheng Riverside Area as a strategic leader in the initiation zone, a benchmark area for future airport-related industrial development, a dynamic zone integrating port, industry, and city, and a prime demonstration area along the riverfront. Guiding the high-quality construction of the area.
The project is located north of Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport,serves as an important gatewayat the confluence of the Qiantang Riverestuary and urban blocks. And It is acrucial industrial block in the northern wing of theHAEDZ. The northwest is bordered by the Qiantang River, facing Xiasha block across the river, with Xiaoshan Airport to the southeast,Biotechnology Valley,a vital industry sectorto the southwest, and Baihushan to the north.
2  设计原则/Design Principles
(1)国际视野、先进理念/International Vision and Advanced Concepts
Designs should reflect international perspectives, addressing key issues like spatial forms,Industrial Planning,multifunctional integration, and connectivity. Proposals should incorporate new technologies,methodsand concepts, promote low-carbon and green development, and offer creative, implementable planning strategies and design solutions.
(2)以人为本、活力包容/People-Centric, Vibrant, and Inclusive
Emphasize the spatial experience and relationships from a human-centric perspective, addressing the needs of diverse groups. It should enhance urban quality through scene creation, address functional shortcomings, and develop a composite area dominated by industry but integrated with cultural tourism and leisure activities.
(3)弹性灵活、集约高效/Flexible and Efficient Use of Space
Under the established "3+2" industrial system framework of theHAEDZ,fully consider the uncertainties in future industrial development and the variability of industry introduction, the design should provide highly adaptable and flexible spatial organization models and architectural spatial forms. Connect with the planned future rail lines and station layouts to promote efficient land use in the area.
(4)还堤于民、融堤于景/Public-Friendly and Aesthetic
With the overarching goal of creating a "world-class waterfront" along the Qiantang River, the design should draw extensively from both domestic and international waterfront development experiences. Prioritize safety, human-centric approach, emphasize ecological value, and public attributes. Incorporate public art, cultural features, and leisure activities to create a vibrant and dynamic riverside area.
(5)整体谋划,实施落地/Holistic Planning, Implementable Designs
Follow a holistic planning approach with phased development. Provide a comprehensive blueprint for the Yangcheng area, suggesting feasible development sequences and content. Ensure designs are actionable with clear construction methods, development models, and implementation paths to guide subsequent construction.
3 征集范围/Scope of Solicitation
The scope of the solicitation includes two levels as detailed in the map below.
Research Area: North to Yigongduan Henghe, east to the Central Ring Expressway, south to Yinanhenghe, and west to the Qiantang River (including emergency riverbanks and tidal embankments), covering approximately 8.9 square kilometers.
Design Area: North to Nanyang Henghe, south to the foothills of Meinv Mountain, west to the Qiantang River (including emergency riverbanks and tidal embankments), and east to Meishi West Road, covering approximately 1.1 square kilometers.
4  设计要点及设计内容/Design Key Points and Content
(1)设计要点/Design Key Points
Applicants should leverage their strengths and draw on successful project experiences from both domestic and international contexts to address the following key issues within the design area:
How to carry out creative spatial design to attract high-quality enterprises and talents through high-quality public spaces, architectural spaces, and supporting facilities, thereby promoting regional innovation, social interaction, and creating a vibrant riverside industrial area that integrates the city and the embankment?
Howtoidentify the industrial development positioning and clarify the key directions for future industries within the established "3+2" industrial system framework of the demonstration zone? How can industrial planning be used to segment industrial types and propose industrial optimization strategies based on the surrounding resource conditions?
How to reflect the flexibility and adaptability of park architectural spaces, providing spatial forms that meet the development needs of future industries and populations?
How to address the elevation differences between the site and the embankment, effectively manage vehicular, pedestrian, and tourism traffic within and around the area, as well as vertical transportation within buildings and the site, to achieve three-dimensional composite utilization of the park above ground?
How to implement the national dual carbon development strategy, creating a green and low-carbon park model in planning and construction?
How to ensure that the design scheme can be realistically implemented, proposing targeted construction methods, development models, and implementation paths to guide subsequent regional development and construction?
(2)主要设计内容/Main Design Content
l研究范围/Research Area
Implement regional development goals from the HAEDZ integration perspective. Coordinate the integration of riverside and inland spaces, fully exploring regional and industrial characteristics and transportation advantages. Draw from advanced international development concepts to conduct comprehensive studies on target positioning, overall spatial layout, industrial formats, main functions, embankment design, integrated transportation, non-motorized systems, public service facilities, key spatial nodes, spatial forms, open public spaces, characteristic landscapes, village space reuse, and planning implementation strategies, to further carry out regional conceptual planning and design.
Three key research nodes include the Moon Bay Headquarters Base, the Convention and Exhibition Center surroundings (including the west riverside area), and the Wuli area.Propose more targetedschemesbased on regional conceptualplanning andthe different characteristics and issues of each node.
The Moon Bay Headquarters Base is located north of the Convention and Exhibition Center, in the area east of Tingtao Road, with a total land area of approximately 12 hectares. It should focus on the headquarters' distinctive functions and riverside landscape design.
The Convention and Exhibition Center vicinity (including the riverside plots to the west) is situated within the development boundaries east and north of the Convention and Exhibition Center, covering a total land area of about 46 hectares. Priority should be given to enhancing supporting services for exhibitions and the development of public open spaces.
The Dockside District is located between Hongshiwu Road andShiziMountain andMeinvMountain. Covering a total land area of approximately 30 hectares, it is closely connected with the design scope of Yangcheng District. Considering its historical resources and cultural characteristics, it should explore synergistic relationships with the Yangcheng Industrial District, focusing on distinctive industries, quality residential areas, and high-quality service functions.
l设计范围/Design Area
Applicants are required to deepen and refine the key content and requirements proposed in the conceptual planning of the research scope area, conductingimplementation-oriented urban design involves clearly defining the three-dimensional forms and spatial compositions of buildings, effectively managing the relationship between riverside landscapes, landmark buildings, public buildings, and open spaces. It requires coordinating the interaction between public building interfaces and landscapes, and enhancing internal spatial and exterior design details and imagery. This includes, but is not limited to: Design concepts, Functional layout, Detailed industrial layout, Spatial form design, Integrated design of the embankment shoreline and hinterland space, Organization of tourist routes and activity planning, TOD (Transit-Oriented Development) station design, Public space design, Traffic organization and optimization of non-motorized transportation systems, Coordination of landscape features, Infrastructure layout, Vertical design, Land use plan for the areas after the demolition of village settlements, Development models.
Additionally,key areas should achieve deep conceptual architectural landscape design. Designation of these key areas is to be determined independently by bidding units, with an area not less than 30 hectares. The focus should be on enhancing the functional organization and spatial design of significant individual and group buildings. Design content should include, but not be limited to, conceptual schemes for core areas and important individual buildings, layered floor plans, significant interface facades, and important vertical sectional relationships.
Applicants need to propose planning control requirements for the design content within the design scope to guide the subsequent implementation of the project.
5 征集规则/Solicitation Rules
This solicitation follows an open procedure in three stages: "Pre-qualification Review——Scheme Competition——Scheme Evaluation."
(1)资格预审阶段/Pre-qualification Review Stage
Applicants must submit the pre-qualification registration documents as required, including the applicant's basic information, similar project experience, introduction of the project leader,introduction ofchiefdesigners, team composition,involvement of project leaders, service commitments,and the concept proposal.
In the expression of the concept proposal, applicants should outline their preliminary interpretation and understanding of this project. They should propose the overall design approach and strategy to address the project issues, drawing on advanced concepts and practices from similar areas both domestically and internationally. The concept proposal is not a design scheme and should not exceed 10 pages of A4 (portrait orientation, text plus images format), and should be uniformly attached at the end of the registration documents.
TheHostwilllawfully establisha pre-qualification committee consisting of at least five members during the pre-qualification stage. The pre-qualification committee will conduct a "clear standard review"and verifytheauthenticity of the materials submittedby the applicants. Then, the committee willcomprehensively compare the overall strength,similar project experience, introduction of the project leader,introduction ofchiefdesigners, team composition,involvement of project leaders, service commitments,and the concept proposalof the valid applicants, selecting five shortlisted applicants (without ranking) and two alternate applicants (ranked). (See Attachment 1 for the Pre-qualification Method)
(2)方案竞赛阶段/Scheme Competition Stage
The five shortlisted units that pass the pre-qualification must submit the "Letter of Application Confirmation" on time upon receiving the notification of their selection. If any unit withdraws, the alternate units will substitute in order. After signing a confidentiality agreement with the shortlisted units, the Host will convene a project kickoff meeting,provide the "Design Brief," detailed design base materials, organize on-site inspections, and hold Q&A sessions. The applicants must participate in the mid-termreportat specified times and submit final deliverables according to requirements. Each applicant is only allowed to submit one proposal.
Eachapplicantis required to send at least one chief designerto attend the project kickoff meeting, site survey, and interim progress reports.
If an applicantthat has submitted a 'Confirmation of Participation' withdraws or ultimately chooses not to participate in the competition stage due to reasons beyond force majeure, theHostwill not pay anybonus. Additionally, theHostreserves the right to reject thisapplicantfrom participating in any future projectsoperatedbythe host.
(3)方案评审阶段/Scheme Evaluation Stage
1)评审委员会/SchemeEvaluation Committee
TheHostwill lawfully establish the scheme evaluation committee, which will consist of well-known industry experts. The evaluation process will be chaired by the lead evaluator, who will be elected by the committee. During the evaluation, the lead evaluator will have the same voting rights as other members.
2)评审方式/Evaluation Method
The order of presentations will be determined by drawing lots, and theapplicants’ project leader must present the design outcomes and answer questions from thecommittee. The presentation can be conducted using a combination of multimedia autoplay and project leader explanation, with eachapplicantallotted 20 minutes for the presentation (including multimedia) and 5 minutes for the Q&A session, not exceeding a total of 25 minutes.
The evaluation committee will using the methods of "clear standard review" and "separate evaluation and determination",carefully study the design outcome documents of the five applicants, engage in thorough discussion and comparison, and rank the submitted schemes. The evaluation committee will then recommend two schemes as potential winning schemes in an unranked manner.
The Host will comprehensively evaluate the recommended schemes and ultimately determine one first-place scheme (winning scheme) from the two potential winning schemes to proceed with the next stage of deepening design work.
6 奖金设置及后续深化/Bonusand SubsequentSchemeRefinement
Applicants must submit design outcomes that meet the technical requirements specified in the solicitation documents before the deadline of this design competition. After evaluation by the evaluation committee, the final rankings will be determined based on the relevant evaluation comments. The corresponding competition bonuses (including all expenses such as on-site inspections, travel, and taxes) will be awarded accordingly.
一等奖/First prize
3 million CNY(Tax Inclusive)
二等奖/Second prize
2 million CNY(Tax Inclusive)
入围奖/Finalist Awards
1.5 million CNY each(Tax Inclusive)

The bonuses and related expenses involved in this solicitation activity are inclusive of taxes and will be paid in RMB. Design firms must provide domestic legally compliant invoices and other payment documents that meet the requirements of the organizer, and cooperate to complete all the payment settlement procedures.
The organizer will sign a bonus payment agreement with each of the five shortlisted units, and the organizer will pay each of the shortlisted units separately. (If the unit is a consortium, the lead unit is, in principle, the sole recipient of the bonus and deepening fees. The organizer's payment to the lead unit constitutes fulfillment of its payment obligation. If payment to each member of the consortium according to their proportion is necessary, it must be agreed upon with the organizer in advance and specified in the payment agreement, and the organizer will make payments accordingly).
If an overseas unit cannot receive RMB payments through its own account, it must sign a tripartite payment agreement with the organizer and authorize a domestic legal independent entity to receive the payment on its behalf. All costs incurred from this arrangement will be borne by the shortlisted unit.
The payment procedures for the bonuses will commence within one month after the announcement of the competition results.
All expenses incurred by the applicants during the solicitation period are their responsibility.
If an applicant's submission does not pass the evaluation committee's review, the organizer has the right to withhold the bonus. All expenses incurred during this period will be borne by the applicant.
The organizer will not pay bonuses to organizations that do not submit solicitation documents within the stipulated time or have their qualifications canceled.
In principle, theapplicantthat wins the first prize will be responsible for scheme refinement and outcome integration. The project leader, chief designer, and project team during the refinement phase must remain consistent with those during the competition phase. If the project leader or chief designer differs from those listed in the submitted materials, the host entity has the right to cancel their qualification for scheme refinement.
If the first-prizeapplicantrelinquishes the scheme refinement and outcome integration work, the host entity will separately commission another design agency to carry out the work and will sign a separate service contract for scheme refinement and outcome integration. The host entity will pay the fees for the refinement and integration work to the design agency actually responsible for the work. The contract amount for the refinement phase will not exceed RMB 3,000,000 (three million yuan).
The work content includes but is not limited to:
wIntegrating, adjusting, and optimizing the overall scheme and urban spatial system based on the opinions of experts and the host/co-host entity on the scheme competition outcomes, and incorporating the strengths of other schemes.
wExtracting the core elements of the design outcomes, proposing planning conditions for each plot based on the scheme design, and ensuring that the planning conditions meet the depth requirements of the site selection demonstration report of Hangzhou. In principle, this design will not make detailed plan adjustments to the "Hangzhou Airport Economic Demonstration Zone Detailed Plan (Start-up Zone)." To ensure the design intent is realized, if the refinement design unit or host believes detailed plan adjustments are necessary, the refinement design unit must cooperate with the technical service unit to complete the detailed plan adjustment documents for the plots involved and complete the various approval processes for the detailed plan adjustment as required. The workload of the detailed plan adjustment will be negotiated with the technical service unit once the scheme is clarified, and the costs incurred will be paid by the refinement design unit to the technical service unit based on the actual work proportion.
wPreparing urban design guidelines for the design scope, following the "Hangzhou Urban Design Guidelines Compilation Procedure" and considering the actual situation of the design scope.
wPreparing urban design regulations, using space as an index and blocks as basic units to finely translate the design schemes within the design scope into regulations.
wCreating a promotional video for the refined design outcomes, including core concepts, design techniques, and characteristic landmarks of the scheme.
wCompleting the inclusion of outcomes in the database according to the "Hangzhou Detailed Planning Town and Village Unit Inclusion Content and Data Regulations (Trial)."
Specific matters will be determined based on subsequent work arrangements.
7 日程安排/Schedule
*All times are in Beijing Time. The organizer reserves the right to adjust the schedule. In the event of a schedule change, the organizer will notify the shortlisted units via email.
Pre-qualification Review
Official Announcement
Deadline for Query
Deadline Q&A and Addendum
Deadline for Application
Submission deadline forPre-Qualification Registration Documents
Pre-qualificationreviewmeeting and resultsannouncement
Scheme Competitation
Project Kick-off Meeting (Submission of Confirmation Letter)
Mid-term Presentation
Design Scheme Submission Deadline
Scheme Evaluation
Scheme Evaluation
Final Competition Result Announcement
Follow-up Deepening

8  报名要求/Registration Requirements
(1) The solicitation accepts registrations from individual firms (domesticapplicants) or consortium registrations. For consortium registrations, the lead unit must be a domestic entity, and the consortium members must not exceed three units. Individual or individual group registrations are not accepted. Units applying as a consortium must sign a consortium agreement.
(2) Applicants must have a Class A qualification for urban and rural planning or a Class A qualification for architectural design. Foreign units must have relevant design qualifications or practice licenses issued by their country or region and provide corresponding proof.
(3) Members of a consortium may not separately register or form another consortium with other design units.
(4) Applicants must have experience in similar projects and provide a list of team members and an introduction to the unit participating in this design project.
(5) Domestic and foreign applicants must have a legally registered and valid business license or legal proof, and mustbe legallyindependent entitieswith the capacity to enter into contracts and bear legal responsibilities.
(6) The project leader or chief designersof theapplicantsmust attend important meetings (including video conferences) during key project milestones. The project leader must attend the scheme review meeting and present the scheme outcomes. If, during the scheme solicitation process, the project leader or chief designer is found to be different from the team members submitted in the registration materials, the host entity reserves the right to disqualify their participation.
(7) This project involves professional content related to the Qiantang River embankment. The design team of the applicant should include relevant professional designers.
9  资料下载及报名方式/Document Download and Registration Method
(1)资料下载/Document Download
Applicants should visit the project homepage to obtain the relevant solicitation documents, including the "Pre-Qualification Registration Documents" and related attachments. Updates on follow-up Q&A and addenda will be posted on the project homepage. It is recommended to bookmark the page and check it regularly.
Project homepage:https://zfcg.czt.zj.gov.cn/(Zhejiang Government Procurement Network - search for the title "《杭州临空经济示范区阳城滨江片区(含大堤)实施性城市设计》国际方案征集").
Special reminder: All content related to the solicitation announcement is subject to the "Solicitation Documents" and relevant Q&A and addenda.
(2)报名方式/Registration Method
Applicants must submit a formal registration (via email) and pre-qualification registration documents before the deadline. The process is as follows:
Step 1: Formal Registration (via Email)
Applicants must send an email to 67439330@qq.com to formally register by 17:00 (Beijing Time) onAug 2, 2024. Email format requirements are as follows:
Title: "阳城滨江方案征集报名+ Applicant's Name".
Body: "Full Name of Applicant (for consortiums, specify the lead unit and consortium members) + Contact Person + Phone Number".
Attachment: Scanned signed and stamped PDF versions of the "Scheme Solicitation Registration Letter" and "Consortium Agreement".
Step 2: Submission of Pre-Qualification Registration Documents
Registered applicants must submit the complete pre-qualification registration documents to the specified location within the designated submission time. Paper and electronic documents can be submitted in person or bypost. Specific requirements are detailed in Attachment 2, "Registration Document Preparation Requirements".
Submission time:Aug2-5, 2024, daily from 9:00 to 17:00 (Beijing Time)
Submission deadline: 17:00 (Beijing Time) onAug5, 2024
Submission location: 9th Floor, Building 1, Chenggongguan, Mingliyuan, Greentown Xixi Chengyuan, 558 Wenyi West Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, OubangEngineering Management Group Co., Ltd. (Bidding Department).
Recipient (Contact Person): Xu Jing, +86-0571-88808367, +86-18668008182.
The submission is considered valid only if the complete paper pre-qualification registration documents are received or arrive by mail before the deadline. Late arrivals or documents not meeting the packaging requirements will not be accepted and will be returned directly. Failure to submit a formal registration (via email) or to submit the paper pre-qualification registration documents will be deemed an invalid registration.
(3)资格预审报名文件要求/Requirements for Pre-Qualification Registration Documents
Applicants must submit the pre-qualification registration documents according to the requirements of the "Pre-Qualification Registration Documents". Documents that do not meet the requirements will not be reviewed.
The pre-qualification registration documents mainly include the following:
1)Basic information form and profile of the applicant.
2)Concept Proposal: In the expression of the concept proposal, applicants should outline their initial interpretation and understanding of the project, propose the overall ideas and strategies for the scheme design, and discuss the advanced concepts and practices from similar areas domestically and internationally. The concept proposal is not a design scheme and should not exceed 10 A4 pages (portrait orientation, text and images), and should be attached at the end of the registration documents.
3)Scheme Solicitation Registration Letter, valid business license (or business registration certificate), proof of identity of the legal representative, power of attorney from the legal representative (if authorized agent exists), etc.
4)Performance of similar projects within the scope of solicitation.
5)Information about the project leader.
6)Information about thechiefdesigners.
7)List of key design personnel for this project (specialty, number, title or position).
8)Commitment to subsequent services (involvement of the project leader in the competition and deepening stages and service commitments).
The content, specifications, and stamping requirements of the pre-qualification registration documents are as specified in Attachment 2.
10 保密及知识产权/Confidentiality and Intellectual Property
(1)保密要求/Confidentiality Requirements
Applicants must take effective confidentiality measures and systems (including but not limited to measures and systems adopted by the applicant to protect their own commercial confidential information) in accordance with the relevant national confidentiality laws and regulations to prevent any leakage.
For the full content of the confidentiality requirements, see Attachment 3, "Pre-Qualification Registration Documents - Confidentiality Agreement".
(2)知识产权/Intellectual Property
1)The applicant guarantees that all content in the design schemes, drawings, and other project results submitted to the soliciting entity are original and created by the applicant. There should be no plagiarism or copying of others' schemes. The necessary methods used to achieve these results should not infringe upon the legal rights of the soliciting entity or any third party (including but not limited to patent rights, trademarks, copyrights, manufacturer marks, service marks, trade secrets, personal portrait rights, etc.). Otherwise, the soliciting entity has the right to cancel their registration and scheme solicitation qualification, refuse to pay or require the return of the scheme solicitation bonus, and the applicant should bear all resulting responsibilities and compensate for all losses incurred by the soliciting entity.
2)The intellectual property of the project results submitted by the shortlisted units belongs to the soliciting entity after the corresponding scheme solicitation bonus has been paid according to the solicitation documents. Shortlisted units have the right to report and publicize their results only after the results of this scheme solicitation are announced. They also have the rights to use their related results for "award selection", "academic research", and "commercial promotion".
3)Shortlisted units must obtain written consent from the soliciting entity before promoting their results.
4)The soliciting entity has the right to use part or all of the results submitted by applicants for publicity, publication, and display without compensation. This includes publishing the evaluation results after the review and displaying them through media, professional journals, books, or other forms, but the designer's name should be credited.
11联系方式及其他/Contact Information & Others
(1)联系方式/Contact Information
Project Homepage:https://zfcg.czt.zj.gov.cn/(Zhejiang Government Procurement Network - Search for the title "《杭州临空经济示范区阳城滨江片区(含大堤)实施性城市设计》国际方案征集")
Consultation Email:67439330@qq.com
Hosts’ Contact:Ms.Zhang +86-0571-85819881, +86-18694068122
Mr. Zhao +86-0571-85819885
Agency Contact:Mr.Xu +86-0571-88808367, +86-18668008182
In the event of any discrepancies between the Chinese and foreign language expressions in the solicitation announcement and related documents, the Chinese version shall prevail.
12 附件
Attachment 1:Pre-Qualification Methods
Attachment 2:Requirements for the Preparation of Registration Documents
Attachment 3:Pre-Qualification Registration Documents
Attachment 4:Applicant Information Form (Excel)
1.0 M
附件一 资格预审办法.docx
22.1 KB
附件二 报名文件编制要求.docx
17.9 KB
附件三 资格预审报名文件.docx
43.3 KB
附件四 应征单位信息表.xlsx
13.4 KB